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《Fit for Life》

Fit for Life


historian n. 历史学家 recipe n. 处方;食谱,菜谱 physician n. 医生,内科医师

bark n. 树皮;(狗)叫,吠 vi. (狗)叫,吠 chemist n. 药剂师;化学家

trial n. 试用;试验;考验 tablet n. 药片;写字板,书写板

standardize vt. 使符合标准,使标准化 best-selling adj. 畅销的

painkiller n. 止痛药,镇痛剂 author n. 作者 heart attack 心脏病发作

thin vt. & vi. (使)变稀,(使)变薄,(使)变淡;(使)变细

block vt. 阻塞,阻挡;妨碍 length n. 长度 contemporary adj. 当代的;同时代的

Scottish adj. 苏格兰的 note vt. 发现,注意到;记录 transparent adj. 透明的

application n. 应用,运用;申请 name vt. 命名,给……取名

unable adj. 不能的,不会的 chemical adj. 化学的 purify vt. 使纯净,净化,提纯

quantity n. 量,数量 widespread adj. 普遍的,普及的,广泛的 lung n. 肺

mass adj. 批量的,大量的,大规模的;群众的,民众的

n. 团,块,堆;较大部分,主体部分;体积,大小,群众,人群

rapidly adv. 迅速地,快速地 powerful adj. 效力大的,强效的

wonder adj. 非凡的,奇妙的,奇特的,神奇的

n. 奇迹,神奇;奇观;惊奇,惊讶

millions of 数百万的,大量的 relief n. 减轻,缓解;轻松,宽慰;救济,救助

potential adj. 潜在的,可能的 enquiry n. 询问,咨询 ward n. 病房

fundamental adj. 基础的,根本的;重要的,至关重要的

handful n. 少数,少量;一把 annual adj. 每年的,一年一次的

arrangement n. 安排;排列 receptionist n. 接待员,招待员

pleasure n. 愉快,快乐;乐事 eyesight n. 视力 adjustable adj. 可调节的

magic adj. 有魔力的,不可思议的,魔术的 needle n. 针 art n. 技艺,技术

sharp-edged adj. 有锋利边缘的 swollen adj. 肿胀的 arrowhead n. 箭头;箭头状物

sharp adj. 锋利的锐利的;尖的;突然的,急转向的;尖刻的,辛辣的;灵敏的,敏锐的

fine adj. 细的,纤细的 point n. 点,位置;尖端;要点;分数

insert vt. 插入;嵌入 symptom n. 症状 function n. 功能,作用

heartbeat n. 心跳 addiction n. 上瘾,沉溺,入迷 overeating n. 过量饮食

relieve vt. 减轻(病痛、忧虑、负担等),缓解;救济,救助 unclear adj. 不清楚的


1. keep us healthy 2. open up 3. carry out 4. give up 5. come true 6. figure out

7. go wrong 8. put off 9. put up with 10. make out 11. call back 12. look out for

13. at certain points 14. find out 15. if so 16. recommend doing

17. in contemporary society 18. in large quantities 19. trun into

20. be fundamental to (doing) 21. a disease called malaria 22. look into

23. look down upon 24. put through 25. come up 26. remind sb to do

27. be based on 28. block from doing 29. focus on 30. reduce the risk of

31. try out 32. due to 33. in addition to 34. have an influence on

35. leave behind 36. ask for 37. set up 38. put off

39. take measures to do 40. let … out of 41. be connected with



1. A p____________ is a person who has general skills to treat physical problems.

2. Penicillin was d___________ in the mould that grew on a special transparent jelly.

3. He is the a__________ whose books are best-selling this year.

4. Stoke is a type of serious illness when blood vessels in the brain b_____ suddenly

《Sailing the oceans》

Listening and Speaking

Teaching Aims: 教学目的

1. Review the words and structures in the last period.

2. Finish the listening exercises in this part and improve the students’ listening ability.

3. Talk about sailing.

Teaching Important Points:教学难点

Finish the listening exercises.

Teaching Methods:教学方法

1. Talking method to improve the students’ speaking ability.

2. Listening method to train the students’ listening ability.

3. Pair wok to make every student take an active part in class.

Teaching Aids:教学工具

1. a computer; 2. courseware

Teaching procedures

Step1 Greetings

Greet the whole class as usual.

Step2 Revision

Check the homework exercises.

Step3 Listening

Listen to the tape and ask the students to finish exercise 1—3 on page 19.

Suggested answers:

Answer key for Exercise 1:

maps; stars; clouds; waves; currents; birds

Answer key for Exercise 2;

Sailors from

Sea or Ocean




Used the sky to find their way


《A Christmas Carol》

A Christmas Carol

I. Teaching aims:

1. Learn about Charles Dickens and his works.

2. Talk about social responsibilities.

3. Review the Adverbial.

4. Write a review of a play.

II. Teaching time:

1st Period Speaking

2nd Period Reading

3rd Period Language study

4th Period Extensive reading, Writing

The First Period Speaking

I. Teaching goals:

1. Enable the students to say something about Charles Dickens and his works.

2. Enable the students to learn how to discuss their social responsibilities.

3. Help the students learn to describe social responsibilities by using some key words and expressions.

II. Teaching important points

1. Describe Charles Dickens and his works.

2. Discuss the social responsibilities by using some key words and expressions.

III. Teaching methods

Cooperative learning.

IV. Teaching aids

1. A recorder; 2. A projector and some slides;

3. Multi-functional teaching equipment (CAI).

V. Teaching procedures && ways

Step I Lead In

First show the students a picture of Charles Dickens on the computer, then ask them some questions.

Step II Warming up

The Warming-up exercise makes the students know more about Charles Dickens and the novels that he wrote.

Step III Speaking

Task 1

Ask the students to finish the reading comprehension multiple choices.

Task 2

Discuss the responsibilities of business people towards both their employees and their customers .

Step IV Talking

Ask the students to discuss the two situations in groups of four.

Step V Homework

Ask the students to read the novel A Christmas Carol carefully. Then next class they will be checked.


love Would you like to go to the cinema?

Step1 Greetings

T:Good afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good afternoon, MrGao! T:How are you?

Ss: I’m fine, Thank you, and you?

T:I’m fine,too.What’s the weather like today? Ss:It’s sunny.

T:Very good.Sit down, please!

设计意图:以学生耳熟能详的英语问候语“Good afternoon.”“How are you?”以及天气等引入课堂,吸引学生的注意力.

Step 2 New words and expressions

The students learn the new words and expressions all by themselves, and help each other, the teacher checks and helps. Now call a student to read them ,the others listen and check..

S1:(reads the new words and expressions)

The teacher teaches the new words and expressions,then the Ss read them and check each other.


Step 3 resentation

T:Please look at the picture. What’s this in English? Ss:It is a cinema.

T: Very Good. Then would you like to go to the cinema? S2: Yes,I’d like to. S3:That’s a great idea. S4:That’s a good idea. T:What else? S5: Great idea. S6:Good idea. Theteacher takes out another picture and says this is a football match between Num.1 Middle Schooland Num.3 Middle School.They are playing football. Would you like to go to a football match?

S7:It’s a great idea.When is it? T:It’s on Saturday. S8:Let’s go on Saturday.

S9:Let’s go to the football match. S10:It’s a good idea.

T:Excellent! All of you have a good memory. Now all of you make dialogues “Would you like…? Let’s…” with your partners, then act in the front of the classroom.

(Five minutes later)

Call some groups to act out their dialogues.

设计意图:教师抓住现场的教学资源,从教师自身穿的dress入手,问“what colour is my dress?”到学生的衣服,最后到通过desk问答“what colour is it?”,从教师到学生再到物体,充分利用了现场的教学元素,生活化课堂自然生成.] Step4 Match the words with the pictures. six pictures and six words and expressions to the students. Show Work in pairs.

Step5 Listen and read 1. A game

T:Now, please look at our old friend.(Show Jackie Chan’s photo) Hello!

Ss:(huuu)Hello! T:Glad to meet you! Ss:Glad to meet you, too!

T:Listen! I am your friend. You can ask me some questions. Now, you please! S5:What is your name? T:My name is Tony. S6: How old are you? T:I’m one.

S7: what colour is it?

T:Listen! I am a brown bird. S8:Glad to meet you,Tony. T:Nice to meet you, Li Chong.

T:Now I ask questions, and you answer them. What colour am I? LiChong:Brown.

T:Very Good, Li Chong! Come here. You’re the little teacher. Read “brown”,please!

LiChong: (Point to the brown) One two begin, brown, brown

T:Thank you! Who’d like to be the little teacher? Would you like to have a try? (Some students hands up.)Li Chunlin,please.„

设计意图:整个过程,学生都处在教师创设的情境中,围绕“Brown Bird”展开教学.通过让学生提问brown bird到brown bird提问学生,操练了英语基本用语,给学生开口说英语提供了机会。教师还让学生尝试当小老师,带领全班同学一起学习,这既是对该生回答正确的肯定,让优生带动了全班同学,又充分调动了其他学生学习英语的热情. Step4 Presentation and Practice 1.Presentation

T:Let’s watch TV. What is this?

Ss:A butterfly.

T:Yes, it’s a butterfly.Please repeat, a lovely butterfly, a little butterfly.

T:(Show a green and red butterfly)What colour is this butterfly? Helen:It’s green and red.

T:Excellent.You will be the little teacher, come to the front. Helen:One two, begin! It’s green and red. Ss: (Read aloud after Helen) It’s green and red.

(Teacher sticks the green and red butterfly to the blackboard) T:(Show a pink and blue butterfly)What colour is this one? Bob:It’s a pink and blue butterfly.

T:Very good! Thank you. You will be the little teacher.Come here! Bob:One two, begin! It’s a pink and blue. Ss: (Read after Bob.) It’s a pink and blue.

[沿袭了单词brown教学中的little teacher,这种教学方法可谓是策略,对于激发学生的学习积极性较有效果.另外,教师在前部分教学的基础上,加大了难度,出现了butterfly,而且颜色都涉及到了两种.但于前部分内容仍旧环环相扣,循序渐进.课堂向深度,高度发展.] 2.Practice T:Today we will act one btterfly”. and .Read and do the actions after me!

T:OK! I say the words and you do the actions.

Ss:(Do the actions while singing.)

T:Iwant three students to act the butterflies. Any volunteers? Great! Come to the front. You are the lovely butterflies. All students answer my question.

T:What olour is it

Ss:(Doing actions while singing )It’s green and red. It’s pink and blue. It’s brown and yellow blue.

T:Thank you!

[唱歌是学生喜闻乐见的活动形式,教师将此部分内容安排在此处,一方面是与前面所学相挂钩,巩固所学;另一方面是在学生保持了较长时间的注意力之后,让学生得到些许放松,以便以更饱满的情绪进入下一阶段的学习,包括后面的act the butterflies,也是让学生动一动,抖擞抖擞精神.] Step5 Playing a game

T:Let’s play a game. Who wants to be my partner? Mike:Let me have a try.

T:(Throw a ball to Mike) What colour is it? Mike:It’s pink and blue.

T: Very good! I want two other pairs of students to do the game again. Toby:What colour is it? Sandra: It’s orange and black. Frank: What colour is it? Camilla:It’s brown and yellow.

[围绕butterfly,有了师生间,学生间的交流,虽然只是简短的对话,但是却为后面的Free talk做好了准备.] Step6 Free talk The teacher takes out a pen on a student’s desk, and makes a dialogue with the whole class.

T:Hello,every one! Ss:Hello,Mr.Gao!

T:What’s this in English?

(Students take out their school things and make up new dialogues by themselves. At last, Teacher chooses two groups come to the front act their dialogue.)

June: Hello! Lucy: Hello!

June:What’s your name?

Lucy:My name is Lucy.What’s your name? June:My name is June. How old are you? Lucy: I’m one. What colour is it?

June:It’s blue and pink. What colour is it?

Lucy:It’s brown and yellow. What day is it today? June: Monday.OK,bye-bye! Lucy:Bye-bye!

(Teacher asks two more pairs to act out their dialogues.)

[学生英语表达的细胞在此完全得到释放,而且教师引导学生拿出自己的玩具,互编新对话,培养了学生在真实场景中运用英语的能力.在此部分,我们可以看到学生思维的火花得以绽放.] Step7 Magic T:Look,what colour is it? Ss:It’s blue.

T:Look,what colour is it? Ss:It’s yellow.

T: (Mixing the two colours)Look,what colour is it now? Ss:It’s green.

T:How lovely!Listen,blue and yellow is green. Ss:Blue and yellow is green.

T:Now everybody takes out your colour oil pastel. Show me yellow. Ss:Yellow-yellow-yellow.(Read and hands up) T:Show me blue. Ss:Blue-blue-blue. T:Show me red. Ss:Red-red-red.

T:Mix the colours and then find out what you get. Talk with your partner about the colours.

Ss:(Doing the experiment and then have conversations in their group.) T: What do you get from what you did just now?Tell me together. Ss: Red and blue is purple. Red and yellow is orange. T:You’re clever.

Step 8 Everyday English

T:Let’s see what’s on TV. Blue in the face.What is the meaning? Ss:蓝色的脸。

T:脸变成了蓝色说明了什么? Ss:很生气。 T:Yes. Ss: Red.

T:Yes, red.可是在英语中要表示“气得脸发红”,应该怎样说呢? Ss:Blue in the face.

T:That’s right!You should remember it.注意可不要望文生义哟!

T:Time is up.We have to say good bye!



T:Let's sing a song.The song's name is“Let's play!Let's sing!”



T:Class begins!Hello,everyone! Ss:Hello,Miss Chai ! T:How are you today? Ss:We're fine,thank you.

T:What's the weather like today? Ss:It's fine.



T:A lovely day,isn't it?I have a piece of good news for you.We're going to visit the zoo.(贴出动物园的图片)Are you happy?


T:Today we'll learn a lesson about the zoo.Please tell me.Which lesson shall we learn? Ss:Lesson 22.

T:OK!Now,let's count from one to twenty-two!


T:Well,who can tell me what you can find in the zoo? Ss:Cats,dogs,birds...

T:Oh,we'll see so many animals.That's great!Now,please look here.We'll meet many animal friends today.What's this?(出示动物头饰)

S:It's a bird.

T:Oh,yes.This bird is for you!(S1带上头饰) (以下cat,dog,同上)

评析:用学生已经学过的动物引出“What's this?It's...”的新授句型。在运用中明白了句子的含义,也掌握了句子的用法,有一种润物无声的境界!

T:Now,we have three animals,they are our best friends!But look there,there is another friend.She's waiting to meet us.Who's she?(出示大熊猫玩具)

Ss:Da Xiongmao. T:Yes,it's a Da Xiongmao,but in English it's a panda.Now,please say after me,“panda”! T:Look there,I have a beautiful picture.What's this?(贴出大熊猫的图片) Ss:Panda.

T:Yes,but how to spell it?(出示单词卡) Ss:“P-A-N-D-A,panda!” T:Let's sing a song.(师生同唱并拼写,教师指图) T:What's this? Ss:It's a panda. (同法教单词tiger)


T:We met so many animal friends.And would you like to go to the zoo with me?Are you ready?Let's go!OK?

T and Ss:One,two,three,go!(师生同看多媒体影片)


T:What did Ann say? Ss:“What's this?”

T:Yes,Ann说“这是什么?”,in English we should say,“What's this?”

T:Now,look at me please.What's this?It's a tiger.What's this?It's a panda.Do you understand?Please say after me.(教师手指教室内戴头饰的学生)

T:Now please point to an animal,ask and answer in pairs.(学生分组练习)


T:Your pronunciations are fine.Now let's listen to the tape and read after it.(Listen and speak.)


T:We all like animals,but the zoo isn't the animals hometown.Where is their real hometown?


T:Yes!Let's look at the animal.OK?(观看多媒体影片) T:Do you like animals? Ss:Yes!

T:The earth belongs to both animals and human beings.We should live peacefully together. We should try to give them a better living environment,and protect them from being hurt.Do you think so?


T:OK!Let's begin from now on!

T:The time is up.Good-bye,everyone!



Unit 1 Would you like to go to the cinema?






Step 1 Greetings

T: Good afternoon, boys and girls!

Ss: Good afternoon, Miss Wang!

T: How are you?

Ss: I’m fine, Thank you, and you?

T: I’m fine, too. What’s the weather like today?

Ss: It’s sunny.

T: Very good. Sit down, please!

设计意图:以学生耳熟能详的英语问候语 “ Good afternoon.” “ How are you?” 以及天气等引入课堂,吸引学生的注意力.

Step 2 New words and expressions

The students learn the new words and expressions all by themselves, and help each other, the teacher checks and helps. Now call a student to read them , the others listen and check..

S1:(reads the new words and expressions)

The teacher teaches the new words and expressions, then the Ss read them and check each other.


Step 3 Presentation

T: Please look at the picture. What’s this in English?

Ss: It is a cinema.

T: Very Good. Then would you like to go to the cinema?

S2: Yes, I’d like to.

S3: That’s a great idea.

S4: That’s a good idea.

T: What else?

S5: Great idea.

S6: Good idea.

The teacher takes out another picture and says this is a football match between Guqiao Middle School and Yanghe Middle School. They are playing football. Would you like to go to a football match?

S7: It’s a great idea. When is it?

T: It’s on Saturday.

S8: Let’s go on Saturday.

S9: Let’s go to the football match.

S10: It’s a good idea.

T: Excellent! All of you have a good memory. Now all of you make dialogues “Would you like…? Let’s…” with your partners,then act in the front of the classroom.

(Five minutes later)

Call some groups to act out their dialogues.

设计意图:教师抓住现场的教学资源,从教师自身穿的dress入手,问 “ what colour is my dress?” 到学生的衣服,最后到通过desk问答 “ what colour is it?”,从教师到学生再到物体,充分利用了现场的教学元素, 生活化课堂自然生成.]

Step4 Match the words with the pictures.

Show six pictures and six words and expressions to the students. Work in pairs.

Step5 Listen and read

1. A game

T: Now, please look at our old friend. (Show Jackie Chan’s photo)


Ss: (huuu) Hello!

T: Glad to meet you!

Ss: Glad to meet you, too!

T: Listen!I am your friend. You can ask me some questions. Now, you please!

S5: What is your name?

T: My name is Tony.

S6: How old are you?

T: I’m one.

S7: what colour is it?

T: Listen! I am a brown bird.

S8: Glad to meet you, Tony.

T: Nice to meet you, Li Chong.

T: Now I ask questions, and you answer them. What colour am I?

Li Chong: Brown.

T: Very Good, Li Chong! Come here. You’re the little teacher. Read “brown”, please!

Li Chong: (Point to the brown) One two begin, brown, brown

T: Thank you! Who’d like to be the little teacher? Would you like to have a try?

(Some students hands up.) Hu Lingli, please.…

设计意图:整个过程,学生都处在教师创设的情境中,围绕 “ Brown Bird”展开教学.通过让学生提问brown bird到brown bird提问学生,操练了英语基本用语, 给学生开口说英语提供了机会。 教师还让学生尝试当小老师,

带领全班同学一起学习,这既是对该生回答正确的肯定, 让优生带动了全班同学,又充分调动了其他学生学习英语的热情.

Step 4 Presentation and Practice

1. Presentation

T: Let’s watch TV. What is this?

Ss: A butterfly.

T: Yes, it’s a butterfly. Please repeat, a lovely butterfly, a little butterfly.

T: (Show a green and red butterfly) What colour is this butterfly?

Helen: It’s green and red.

T: Excellent. You will be the little teacher, come to the front.

Helen: One two, begin! It’s green and red.

Ss: (Read aloud after Helen) It’s green and red.

(Teacher sticks the green and red butterfly to the blackboard)

T: (Show a pink and blue butterfly)What colour is this one?

Bob:It’s a pink and blue butterfly.

T: Very good! Thank you. You will be the little teacher. Come here! Bob: One two, begin! It’s a pink and blue.

Ss: (Read after Bob.) It’s a pink and blue.

(Teacher sticks the pink and blue butterfly to the blackboard. Do the same to the brown and yellow butterfly.)

[沿袭了单词brown教学中的little teacher,这种教学方法可谓是策略,对于激发学生的学习积极性较有效果.另外,教师在前部分教学的基础上,加大了难度,出现了butterfly, 而且颜色都涉及到了两种.但于前部分内容仍旧环环相扣,循序渐进.课堂向深度,高度发展.]

2. Practice

T: Today we will learn a new song: “A butterfly”. Stand up. Read and do the actions after me!

T: OK! I say the words and you do the actions.

Ss: (Do the actions while singing.)

T: I want three students to act the butterflies. Any volunteers? Great! Come to the front. You are the lovely butterflies. All students answer my question.

T: What colour is it?

Ss: (Doing actions while singing )It’s green and red. It’s pink and blue. It’s brown and yellow blue.

T: Thank you!

[唱歌是学生喜闻乐见的活动形式,教师将此部分内容安排在此处,一方面是与前面所学相挂钩,巩固所学;另一方面是在学生保持了较长时间的注意力之后,让学生得到些许放松,以便以更饱满的情绪进入下一阶段的学习,包括后面的act the butterflies,也是让学生动一动,抖擞抖擞精神.]

Step 5 Playing a game

T: Let’s play a game. Who wants to be my partner?

Mike: Let me have a try.

T: (Throw a ball to Mike) What colour is it?

Mike: It’s pink and blue.

T: Very good! I want two other pairs of students to do the game again.Toby: What colour is it?

Sandra: It’s orange and black.

Frank: What colour is it?

Camilla: It’s brown and yellow.

[围绕butterfly,有了师生间,学生间的交流,虽然只是简短的对话,但是却为后面的Free talk做好了准备.]

Step 6 Free talk

The teacher takes out a pen on a student’s desk, and makes a dialogue with the whole class.

T: Hello, every one!

Ss: Hello, Miss Wang!

T: What’s this in English?

(Students take out their school things and make up new dialogues by themselves. At last, Teacher chooses two groups come to the front act their dialogue.)

June: Hello!

Lucy: Hello!

June: What’s your name?

Lucy: My name is Lucy. What’s your name?

June: My name is June. How old are you?

Lucy: I’m one. What colour is it?

June: It’s blue and pink. What colour is it?

Lucy: It’s brown and yellow. What day is it today?

June: Monday. OK, bye-bye!

Lucy: Bye-bye!

(Teacher asks two more pairs to act out their dialogues.)


Step 7 Magic

T: Look, what colour is it?

Ss: It’s blue.

T: Look, what colour is it?

Ss: It’s yellow.

T: (Mixing the two colours) Look, what colour is it now?

Ss: It’s green.

T: How lovely! Listen, blue and yellow is green.

Ss: Blue and yellow is green.

T: Now everybody takes out your colour oil pastel. Show me yellow. Ss: Yellow-yellow-yellow. (Read and hands up)

T: Show me blue.

Ss: Blue-blue-blue.

T: Show me red.

Ss: Red-red-red.

T: Mix the colours and then find out what you get. Talk with your partner about the colours.

Ss: (Doing the experiment and then have conversations in their group.) T: What do you get from what you did just now? Tell me together. Ss: Red and blue is purple. Red and yellow is orange.

T: You’re clever.

Step 8 Everyday English

T: Let’s see what’s on TV. Blue in the face. What is the meaning? Ss: 蓝色的脸。


Ss: 很生气。

T: Yes. 如果中国人很生气,脸变成什么颜色?

Ss: Red.

T: Yes, red. 可是在英语中要表示“气得脸发红”,应该怎样说呢? Ss: Blue in the face.

T: That’s right! You should remember it.注意可不要望文生义哟! T: Time is up. We have to say good bye!

Ss: Bye-bye! Miss Bai. Thank you!

[此部分内容,虽然是课堂的尾声,但却是此课的精彩部分所在.对于本课所学颜色类单词,教师精心设计了一个小活动和一个习惯用语的渗透.一个调色盘的游戏, 艳丽的色彩足以吸引学生的眼球,从英语课堂中培养了学生的艺术细胞;还有从 “ Blue in the face.”形象地告诉学生 “气得脸发红”就用 “Blue in the face”.表达,还告诉了学生不要望文生义.在此,英语课堂已完全突破了教材的限制,但又能立足于课堂,教师独具匠心的设计极为巧妙,值得学习.]


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