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例:In the lecture, the professor discusses characteristics of folktales and fairy tales, indicate the characteristics of each type of the tale...Click in the correct boxes. This question is worth two points.

在这道题目中明显提到discusses characteristics of folktales and fairy tales,因此可以看出他们之间是相互对比,并且他们之间是有差异的。通过文章的开头部分我们就能得出本篇文章的主要内容就是童话和民谣的区别,因此对于这两种故事要在听的过程中着重他们的区别以及自身的特点。

选项1:Their appeal is now mainly to children

这句话在文章的最后体现出来,So why is it that fairy tales seem targeted toward children nowadays?用反义疑问句的形式表达了童话故事对于儿童来说很受欢迎。通过结尾原则和因果原则,在听的过程中应该记录到fairy tales和children.

选项2:The plot is the only stable element

对应文章中的讲到同一个民间故事因为时间、地方等也会变得不一样,故事Because of this, elements like place and time can no longer be tailored to suit a particular audience,暗示只有情节不变。因此属于Folk tales.

选项3:The tales are transmitted orally

对应文章中So, what's a folktale? How would you characterize them? Jeff?,They were passed down orally within cultures from generation to generation,通过教授和学生的一问一答就可以看出folktale是通过passed down orally。在听的过程中,问答原则也可以为考生提醒这里是重点所在。

选项4:There is one accepted version

对应文中But with a fairy tale, it's always there in a book, waiting to be discovered, again and again. 因此可以看出童话故事只在书本上这一种被接收的方式。通过转折原则记录关键信息,a fairy tale、 always in a book即可得出答案。

选项5:Characters are well developed

通过上面几个选项的分析,我们知道民谣是通过口口相传,而童话故事只出现在书本上,很显然只有童话故事的角色塑造要比民谣塑造的好。还可以通过找出对应的原文But in fairy tales, people no longer have to remember plots. So more energy can be put into other elements of the story like character and setting. character and setting被很好的塑造因此本选项属于童话故事。

选项6:The language is relatively formal



Good morning, class. Before we begin today, I would like to address an issue that one of you reminded me of after the last lecture. As you may recall, last time I mentioned that Robert E. Peary was the first person to reach the North Pole. What I neglected to mention was the controversy around Peary’s pioneering accomplishment. In 1910, a committee of the national geographical society examined Commodore Peary’s claim to have reached the North Pole on April 6th’ 1909 and found no reason to doubt him. This judgment was actually confirmed by a committee of the US congress in 1911. Nevertheless, Peary’s claim was surrounded by controversy. Tins was largely due to the competing claim of Doctor Frederic Cook who told the world he had reached the Pole a four-year earlier. Over the decades Peary was given the benefit of the doubt, but critics persisted in raising questions about his navigation and the distances he claimed to have covered. So the Navigation Foundation spent an additional 12 months of exhaustive examination of documents relating to Peary’s polar expedition. The documents supposed Peary’s claims about the distances he covered. After also conducting an extensive computer analysis of photos taken by Peary at the pole, they concluded that Pierre and his companions did in fact reach the near vicinity of the North Pole on April 6th. 1909. OK, today we’re going to talk about exploration of the opposite end of the world, I assume you all read chapter 3 in our text and are now familiar with the names: Emerson and Scott.


一. And 并列关系 (and)

in addition // and // similarly // likewise // as well as // besides // furthermore // also // moreover // too// not only ... but // even // besides this/that

二. Sequence 顺序 (then)


first// initially // second etc. // to begin with // then // next // earlier/later //   following this/that // afterwards

三 Consequence 结果 (so)

前面是后面的结果 // 也就是这些词后面就开始给出结论了。

as a result// thus // so // therefore // consequently // it follows that // thereby // eventually // tn that case // admittedly

四. Contrast转折 (but )

表对前面论述的转折 // 一般后面才是作者观点

however// on the other hand // despite // in spite of //

though // although // but // on the contrary

otherwise// yet // instead of // rather // whereas //  nonetheless // in contrast

五. Certainty 确定 (of course)

强烈的确定 // 后面是作者的坚定论点

obviously// certainly // plainly // of course // undoubtedly

六. Condition 条件/ 因为 (if )


if // unless // whether // provided that // // Given that // for // so that // whether // depending on

七. Time 时间 (when )

before  // since // as // until // meanwhile // at the moment // when // whenever // as soon as // just as

八. Summary 总结 (in a word)


in conclusion  // in summary // lastly // finally // to sum up // to conclude // to recapitulate 重述 // in short // in a word

九. Example举例 (for example)

for example // for instance // just as // in particular // such as // namely 也就是

十.Reason原因 ( because)

since // as  // so //  because (of) // due to // owing to // the reason why // in other words  //  leads to // cause


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