
Strategic Management: A Competitive Advantage Approach Concepts and Cases 17th Edition Instructor ma

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Step 1       Go to the www.strategyclub.com website. Review the following free resources:
1. Excel student template
2. Sample case analysis PowerPoints
3.  Live author videos
3. Live case analysis presentations
4. Chapter and case updates
Step 2       Prepare to give your class an overview of your impression of the website.
A popular Excel Student Template is provided free to all students who use this textbook. Just go to the www.strategyclub.com website. Widely used for more than a decade by both students and businesses for actually doing strategic planning, and improved continually by the authors, the free Excel Student Template enables students to more easily apply strategic-management concepts, while engaging in assurance of learning exercises or case analysis. Using the Template, students can devote more time to applying strategy concepts and less time to the mechanics of formatting strategy matrices, tables, and PowerPoints. It would likely be worthwhile to show in class the four-minute author video that introduces each chapter in the text. The sample case analyses provided at the website are also excellent.
Game Plans vs. Strategic Plans:  Teams vs. Companies
As discussed in Chapter 1, athletic teams develop elaborate game plans to compete against rival teams. This exercise can get you familiar with how game planning for a football or basketball game compares to strategic planning for a company, organization, or even for an institution such as your college or university.
Step 1        Make an appointment to visit with a head football, basketball, or soccer coach at your college or university. Ask that person about how they develop a game plan for their most important rival team.
Step 2        Report back to class on your findings. Compare and contrast what the coach told you versus what you read in Chapter 1 about strategic planning in a business setting.
Answer: Answers will vary by student but should be quite interesting, especially since most guys and gals in class likely played some kind of sport sometime in their schooling.



