
Auditing & Assurance Services 7th Edition by Timothy Louwers Test bank

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A.  Produce a company's annual financial statements and notes.
B.  Express an opinion on the fairness of a company's annual financial statements and footnotes.
C.  Provide business consulting advice to audit clients.
D.  Obtain an understanding of the client's internal control structure and give management a report about control problems and deficiencies.
35. Which of the following best describes the main reason independent auditors report on management's financial statements? 

A.  Management fraud may exist and it is likely to be detected by independent auditors.
B.  The management that prepares the statements and the persons who use the statements may have conflicting interests.
C.  Misstated account balances may be corrected as the result of the independent audit work.
D.  The management that prepares the statements may have a poorly designed system of internal control.
36. The auditor's judgment concerning the overall fairness of the presentation of financial position, results of operations, and cash flows is applied within the framework of 

A.  quality control.
B.  generally accepted auditing standards, which include the concept of materiality.
C.  the auditor's evaluation of the audited company's internal control.
D.  the applicable financial reporting framework (i.e., GAAP in the United States).
37. Assurance services involve all of the following, except 

