
International Economics 5th Edition by Robert Feenstra Test bank

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 a. significantly decreased import tariffs in the United States and China.
 b. lower import tariffs in China, but higher import tariffs in the United States.
 c. lower import tariffs in the United States, but higher import tariffs in China.
 d. significantly increased import tariffs in the United States and China.
99. Why did President Trump impose large tariffs on Chinese imports beginning in 2018?
 a. as a bargaining tactic to gain leverage in future trade negotiations
 b. as a long-term strategy to maintain high import tariffs with all trading partners
 c. to reduce the U.S. debt
 d. to make Chinese imports less expensive for U.S. consumers
100. Between 2018 and 2020 (prior to the coronavirus pandemic), which of the following happened regarding U.S. trade barriers?
 a. The United States significantly reduced trade barriers with its international trading partners.
 b. The United States did not erect any new trade barriers with its trading partners, but it also did not remove existing barriers.
 c. The United States erected new trade barriers with its international trading partners, especially China.
 d. The United States erected new trade barriers with China, but with none of its other international trading partners.
101. According to the authors of this textbook, when the U.S.–China trade war ends, we should expect:
 a. the negative effects to immediately disappear.
 b. worldwide trade patterns to steadily return to exactly the way they were before.
 c. long-lasting economic impacts with different worldwide trade patterns.
 d. China to lose its standing as a world economic leader in trade.
102. The movement of people across borders is known as:
 a. resettlement.
 b. guest workers.
 c. migration.
 d. fractionalization.
103. Which of the following countries is NOT a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development?
 a. China
 b. the United States
 c. Germany
 d. the United Kingdom
104. More than one-half of migration is:
 a. from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries to other OECD countries.
 b. from OECD countries to non-OECD countries.
 c. from non-OECD countries to OECD countries.
 d. from non-OECD countries to other non-OECD countries.
105. The main reason for restricting the migration of workers to a high-wage industrial country is:
 a. the low probability of finding a job.
 b. the high skill requirement for a migrant worker.
 c. the fear that immigrants from low-wage countries will drive down wages for a country’s own less skilled workers.
 d. the possible food shortage scenario that may evolve after immigration.
106. In general, migration is _____ than trade.
 a. more free
 b. more controlled and regulated
 c. less desirable
 d. more desirable
107. Immigration issues are usually more intense in:
 a. nations where wages are lower than world averages.
 b. nations with unsecured borders.
 c. nations with open-door policies.
 d. nations where wages are higher than world averages.
108. Despite hopes that migration between nations in the European Union would be free, several nations have agreements to restrict it. Why?
 a. They are afraid of disease.
 b. Labor policies are very different, and new workers will expect the same benefits.
 c. They are concerned that mass inflows of workers will lower wages and offer competition for their own domestic labor force.
 d. Domestic workers are more productive.
109. Which country is the source of the largest number of immigrants from Latin America in the United States?
 a. Brazil



