
Business Statistics Canadian 4th Edition by Norean R. Sharpe test bank

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Name Status Tutorial Access ID Level of satisfaction Number of visits
per week
Time (minutes) spent per week
Ann Instructor AB235 Moderately helpful 3 60
Boris Student BC1090 Very helpful 4 120
Parul Student PR1841 Not helpful 1 30
Paul Instructor PG145 Somewhat helpful 2 45
Answer:  Quantitative: Number of visits per week, Time spent per week (minutes)
Categorical: Name (nominal), Status (nominal), Tutorial Access ID (nominal, identifier), Level of satisfaction (ordinal).
L.O.:  2
Short Answer - Quiz B
1) Consumer Reports Health routinely compares drugs in terms of effectiveness and safety. Suppose that in the summer of 2014 they reviewed drugs used to treat arthritis. Information was reported on convenience of use (how many pills required each day), possible side effects (e.g., dizziness, stomach upset), cost, and ratings of effectiveness in relieving symptoms (very effective, somewhat effective, not effective). Describe the W's for the information given.
•    Who:
•    What:
•    When:
•    Where:
•    How:
•    Why:
•    Who: drugs to treat arthritis currently on the market
•    What: convenience of use, side effects, cost, effectiveness ratings
•    When: summer 2014
•    Where: not specified
•    How: testing on drugs
•    Why: to compare arthritis drugs it terms of effectiveness and safety
L.O.:  1

2) List the variables reported in the Consumer Reports Health article on drugs used to treat arthritis. If the variable is quantitative, give the units. If the variable is categorical, indicate whether it is nominal or ordinal.
Answer:  Categorical: Side effect (nominal), Effectiveness Rating (ordinal)
Quantitative: Convenience of use (number of pills), Cost ($)
L.O.:  2
3) The Human Resources Department of a large corporation maintains records on its employees. The table displays some of these data. List the variables in the data set. Indicate whether each variable is categorical or quantitative. If the variable is quantitative, give the units. If the variable is categorical, indicate whether it is nominal or ordinal.
Age Employment Category Education Participates in Wellness Program?   Paycheck Benefit Deductions
32 Clerical High School Yes $250
52 Professional College No $120
60 Professional University Yes $0
28 Clerical High School No $120



