
Molecular Cell Biology 8th edition by Harvey Lodish Test bank

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c. starting concentration of reactants.
d. The first two answers are correct.
Ans: c
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Chapter: 2
Blooms: Analyzing
Difficulty: Moderate
36. Photosynthesis by plants and certain microbes traps the energy in light and uses it to:
  1. reduce glucose into carbon dioxide.
  2. synthesize ATP from ADP and inorganic phosphate.
  3. generate ATP from the oxidation of reduced inorganic compounds.
  4. none of the above
Ans: b
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Chapter: 2
Blooms: Understanding
Difficulty: Moderate
37. NAD+ and FAD are often referred to as:
  1. redox proteins.
  2. polymers.
  3. reduced dinucleotides.
  4. electron-carrying coenzymes.
Ans: d
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Chapter: 2
Blooms: Remembering
Difficulty: Easy
38.  A solution of 8 M urea is sometimes used in the isolation of protein molecules.  When the solution is prepared by dissolving urea in water at room temperature, it becomes cold.  How should the G for this process change if you tried to dissolve urea in the cold room, rather than at room temperature?
Ans: Urea will be less soluble at cold temperatures than at room temperature because the decrease in temperature will decrease the term TDS, increasing the value of DG, because DG = DHTDS.  The values of DH and DS are relatively independent of temperature.
Question Type: Essay
Chapter: 2
Blooms: Analyzing
Difficulty: Moderate
39. Phosphoglucomutase converts glucose 1-phosphate, the product of the reaction catalyzed by glycogen phosphorylase, into glucose 6-phosphate.  The Keq for this reaction is 19 under standard conditions.  What is the G°´ for the reaction?
Ans: −1.741 kcal/mol, DG°´ = −2.3RT log Keq, DG°´ = −2.3 (1.987) (298) log Keq
Question Type: Essay
Chapter: 2
Difficulty: Moderate
40.  Under what conditions is the DG for a reaction different from the DG°´?
Ans:  DG°´ is the Gibbs free energy of a reaction under standard conditions: pH 7.0, 1 M initial concentration of all reactants and products except protons and water, 1 atm pressure, 298°K (25°C).  Variation of any of these parameters from standard conditions, depending on the reaction, can produce a different DG value.
Question Type: Essay
Chapter: 2
Blooms: Understanding
Difficulty: Easy
41. The amount of free energy released when bonds are broken during a reaction is higher when the molecule has more electronegative atoms.
Ans: False
Question Type: True/False
Chapter: 2
Blooms: Applying
Difficulty: Moderate
42. Which of the following is true about an observed change in free energy (DG)?
a. Free energy was created when the Big Bang occurred.
b. It can be calculated from the total change in energy, temperature, and change in entropy.
c. If a reaction's free energy is greater than zero, it is likely to happen spontaneously.
d. Free energy is comparable to unusable energy.
Ans: b
Question Type: Multiple Choice
Chapter: 2
Blooms: Understanding
Difficulty: Easy




