
Macroeconomics 16th Edition by Campbell R. McConnell Test bank

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       B) a decrease in discrimination based on race
       C) an increase in the number of skilled immigrant workers
       D) the destruction from bombing and warfare in a losing military conflict

178)       All of the following could immediately or eventually lead to an inward shift of a nation's production possibilities curve, except:
       A) an increase in the amount of discrimination.
       B) a decline in the birth rate.
       C) an increase in the average skill level of all occupational groups.
       D) depletion and reduced availability of major energy resources.

179)       Some agricultural sub-Saharan nations of Africa have over-farmed and overgrazed their land to the extent that significant portions of it have turned into desert. This suggests that:
       A) the concavity of the production possibilities curves of such nations has increased.     
       B) the production possibilities curves of such nations have shifted inward.
       C) the production possibilities curves of such nations have shifted outward.
       D) these nations are operating at some point outside of their production possibilities curves.

180)       Which of the following statements, if any, is correct for a nation which is producing only consumption and capital goods?
       A) Other things equal, the more consumer goods a nation produces, the greater will be its future growth rate.  
       B) Other things equal, the more capital goods a nation produces, the greater will be its future growth rate.
       C) There is no general relationship between the current division of output between consumer and capital goods and the future growth rate.
       D) It will be producing at point within its Production Possibility Curve.

181)       If country A has been investing a larger proportion of its domestic output than Canada has, then, we would expect:
       A) a higher rate of growth of domestic output in country A than in Canada.     
       B) greater rightward shifts in country A's production possibilities curve as compared to Canada.
       C) that in the long run living standards would rise more rapidly in country A than in Canada.
       D) all of these are correct.

182)       Deltonia produces both consumer and capital goods. If it reduces the percentage of its output devoted to capital goods, then:
       A) its rate of growth will tend to decline.    
       B) its production possibilities curve will necessarily shift to the left.
       C) it must also reduce the percentage of its output devoted to consumer goods.
       D) its rate of growth will tend to increase.

183)       Refer to the diagram below. Other things equal, this economy will achieve the most rapid rate of growth if:




