
Macroeconomics 16th Edition by Campbell R. McConnell Test bank

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       ⊚   false


326)       Macroeconomics explains the behaviour of individual households and business firms; microeconomics is concerned with the behaviour of aggregates or the economy as a whole.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


327)       Positive statements are expressions of value judgments.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


328)       Normative statements are expressions of facts.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


329)       Individuals face an economic problem but society does not.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


330)       The entrepreneur's sole function is to combine other resources (land, labour, and capital) in the production of some good or service.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


331)       Products and services are scarce because resources are scarce.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


332)       The process by which capital goods are accumulated is known as investment.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


333)       The production possibilities curve shows various combinations of two products which an economy can produce when achieving full employment and productive efficiency.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


334)       An economy will always operate at some point on its production possibilities curve.
       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


335)       ch1_16_1_jpg.ext
 Refer to the above production possibilities curves. Given production possibilities curve (a), point Y indicates that society is failing to use available resources efficiently.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


336)       ch1_17_1_jpg.ext
 Refer to the above production possibilities curves. The movement from curve (a) to curve (b) implies an increase in the quantity and/or quality of society's productive resources.

       ⊚   true
       ⊚   false


337)       {MISSING IMAGE}

 Refer to the above production possibilities curves. Given production possibilities curve (a), the combination of civilian and war goods indicated by point X is unattainable to this economy.



