
Human Resource Management 14th edition by Robert L. Mathis test bank

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TOP:   Human Resources Management Challenges                       KEY:  Bloom's: Comprehension
     8.   Describe the Sarbanes-Oxley Act.
The Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX) Act was passed in 2002 by Congress to make certain that publicly traded companies follow accounting controls that could reduce the likelihood of illegal and unethical behaviors. Many human resource (HR) issues must be managed in line with SOX. The biggest concerns are linked to executive compensation and benefits, but SOX sections 404, 406, 802, and 806 require companies to establish ethics codes, develop employee complaint systems, and have antiretaliation policies for employees who act as whistle blowers to identify wrongful actions. HR has been involved in routing people through the massive compliance verification effort that has occurred.
PTS:   1                    DIF:    Moderate        OBJ:   LO: 01-05       NAT:  BUSPROG: Analytic
TOP:   Organizational Ethics and Human Resource Management            
KEY:  Bloom's: Knowledge 
     9.   Describe human resource management as a career field.
A variety of jobs exists within the human resource (HR) career field, ranging from executive to clerical. As an organization grows large enough to need someone to focus primarily on HR activities, the role of the HR generalist emerges—that is, a person who has responsibility for performing a variety of HR activities. Further growth leads to the addition of HR specialists, or individuals who have in-depth knowledge and expertise in limited areas of HR. The most common areas of HR specialty, in order of frequency, are benefits, employment and recruitment, and compensation.
HR jobs can be found in corporate headquarters as well as in field and subsidiary operations. A compensation analyst or HR director might be found at a corporate headquarters. An employment manager for a manufacturing plant and a European HR manager for a global food company are examples of field and subsidiary HR professionals. These two types of jobs have different career appeals and challenges.
PTS:   1                    DIF:    Moderate        OBJ:   LO: 01-06       NAT:  BUSPROG: Analytic
TOP:   Human Resources Management Competencies and Careers          
KEY:  Bloom's: Comprehension
   10.   Describe the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) certification.
The most widely known human resource certifications are the Professional in Human Resources (PHR) and the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR), both sponsored by the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI). Annually, thousands of individuals take the certification exams. HRCI also sponsors a Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR) certification.
Certification from HRCI also exists for global HR professionals in the GPHR. Global certification recognizes the growth in HR responsibilities in organizations throughout the world and covers appropriate global HR subject areas noted through SHRM.
PTS:   1                    DIF:    Moderate        OBJ:   LO: 01-06       NAT:  BUSPROG: Analytic
TOP:   Human Resources Management Competencies and Careers          
KEY:  Bloom's: Comprehension



