
Bank Management 8th edition by Timothy W. Koch Test bank

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  1. Sarbanes-Oxley Act
  2. Bank Holding Company Act
  3. Competitive Equality Banking Act
  4. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
  5. Financial Institutions Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act
Answer: d
  1. The Federal Reserve may prevent the formation of a financial holding company if one of its insured depository institution subsidiaries:
  1. received an unsatisfactory in its most recent Community Reinvestment Act exam.
  2. has branches across state lines.
  3. is part of a bank holding company.
  4. makes subprime loans.
  5. is well capitalized.
Answer: a
Full download link: https://reurl.cc/m3D0qW

  1. A financial holding company cannot own which of the following?
  1. A bank.
  2. A bank holding company.
  3. A thrift.
  4. A thrift holding company.
  5. A financial holding company may own all of the above.
Answer: e
  1. The parent bank holding company assists bank subsidiaries with all of the following except:
  1. asset and liability management.
  2. strategic planning.
  3. loan review.
  4. deposit insurance.
  5. business development.
Answer: d
  1. ___-corps have favorable tax treatment because a qualifying firm does not pay corporate income taxes.
  1. C
  2. Q
  3. S
  4. V
  5. Z
Answer: c
  1. S-corps must have no more than ___ shareholders.
  1. 10
  2. 50
  3. 100
  4. 500
  5. 1,000
Answer: c
  1. Deposits at credit unions are insured by the:
  1. National Credit Union Association.
  2. Federal Credit Union Administration.
  3. Federal Reserve.
  4. Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
  5. Credit Union Insurance Corporation.
Answer: a
  1. In 2010, Congress passed the ______________ which addressed a wide range of problems associated with the financial crisis, including Too Big to Fail banks.
  1. Sarbanes-Oxley Act
  2. Troubled Asset Relief Program
  3. Glass-Steagall Act
  4. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act
  5. Dodd-Frank Act
Answer: e
  1. ______________ refers to the process of pooling a group of assts with similar features and issuing securities that are collateralized by the assets.
  1. Originate-to-Resell
  2. Securitization
  3. Mortgage Collateralization
  4. Deposit Origination
  5. Loan-to-Distribute
Answer: b
  1. Deposit insurance was increased to __________ per depositor in 2008.
  1. $100,000
  2. $150,000
  3. $250,000
  4. $300,000
  5. $500,000
Answer: c
  1. The primary appeal of online banking is:
  1. prevention of identity theft.
