
Database Concepts 9th edition by David Kroenke test bank

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Classification:  Concept
52) The default file format for Microsoft Access 2019 database files is the ________.
A) Access 2007 format
B) Access 2003 format
C) Access XP format
D) SQL Server format
E) XBD format
Answer:  A
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 34
AACSB:  Information Technology
Chapter Obj.:  Understand the functions of a database application
Classification:  Concept
53) The Microsoft Access 2019 data type of AutoNumber is used when there is a specific need for a ________.
A) foreign key
B) primary key
C) surrogate key
D) spare key
E) secondary key
Answer:  C
Diff: 3    Page Ref: 42
AACSB:  Information Technology
Chapter Obj.:  Understand the functions of a database application
Classification:  Concept
54) Which of the following problems associated with storing data in a list is avoided by storing data in a relational database?
A) CPU processing inefficiencies
B) Lack of necessary bandwidth
C) Running out of memory storage
D) Duplication of data items
E) Incorrect data typing
Answer:  D
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 7
AACSB:  Information Technology
Chapter Obj.:  Understand the potential problems with lists
Classification:  Concept
55) A database may be used to help people with all of the following except ________.
A) track which student is assigned to a particular advisor
B) know the current inventory levels of products their company sells
C) check on the estimated arrival time of an incoming flight at an airport
D) look up their checking account balance over the Internet
E) debug existing program code
Answer:  E
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 7
AACSB:  Information Technology
Chapter Obj.:  Understand the reasons for using a database
Classification:  Concept
56) What is the name of Microsoft's cloud services?
Answer:  Azure
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 31
AACSB:  Information Technology
Chapter Obj.:  Introduce Big Data and cloud computing
Classification:  Concept

57) In relational databases, query requests use a language called ________.
Answer:      Structured Query Language, (SQL)
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 16-17
AACSB:  Information Technology
Chapter Obj.:  Know the components of a database system
Classification:  Concept
58) Data that the database keeps about its own structure is called ________.
Answer:  metadata
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 19
AACSB:  Information Technology
Chapter Obj.:  Learn the elements of a database
Classification:  Concept
59) The purpose of the ________ in a database system is to receive requests from applications and to translate those requests into reads and writes on the database files.
Answer:  DBMS
Diff: 3    Page Ref: 18
AACSB:  Information Technology
Chapter Obj.:  Learn the purpose of a database management system (DBMS)
Classification:  Concept
60) ________ constraints are rules that the DBMS enforces to ensure that data values in one table have corresponding values in another related table.
Answer:  Referential integrity
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 20
AACSB:  Information Technology
Chapter Obj.:  Learn the purpose of a database management system (DBMS)
Classification:  Concept
61) The DBMS controls ________ by ensuring that one user's work does not inappropriately interfere with another user's work.
Answer:  concurrency
Diff: 2    Page Ref: 20
AACSB:  Information Technology
Chapter Obj.:  Learn the purpose of a database management system (DBMS)
Classification:  Concept
62) Microsoft Access is a(n) ________, which combines a DBMS and an application generator.
Answer:  personal database
Diff: 1    Page Ref: 23
AACSB:  Information Technology
Chapter Obj.:  Learn the purpose of a database management system (DBMS)
Classification:  Concept

63) The Microsoft Access application generator adds the ability to create and store ________, ________, and ________.
Answer:  forms; reports; queries
Diff: 3    Page Ref: 32
AACSB:  Information Technology
Chapter Obj.:  Learn the purpose of a database management system (DBMS)
Classification:  Concept
64) Microsoft Access 2019 database files are stored using the ________ file extension.



