
Biological Psychology 13th Edition by James W. Kalat Test bank

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c. glial cells
d. interneurons
27. Ribosomes are the part of a cell that ____.
a. performs metabolic activities
b. breaks down harmful chemicals
c. transports proteins
*d. synthesizes new proteins
28. The endoplasmic reticulum is a ____.
*a. network of thin tubes that transport newly synthesized proteins
b. site where the cell synthesizes new protein molecules
c. structure that separates the inside of the cell from the outside
d. structure that contains the chromosomes
29. Dendrites ____.
a. contain the nucleus, ribosomes, and other structures found in most cells
*b. are branching fibers that get narrower near their ends
c. are thin fibers of constant diameter
d. are an insulating material that cover an axon
30. The branching fibers that form the information-receiving pole of the nerve cells are called _____.
a. motor neurons
*b. dendrites
c. sensory neurons
d. axons
31. Professor Xi studies the _____ located on the _____ of neurons in order to better understand how messages are received by the neuron.
*a. synaptic receptors; dendrites
b. axons; somas
c. synaptic hillocks; dendrites
d. synaptic receptors; somas
32. The tree-like branches of a neuron that receive information from other neurons are called _____.
a. axons
*b. dendrites
c. soma
d. myelin
33. Many dendrites contain short outgrowths called spines that _____.
*a. increase the surface area available for synapses
b. increase the speed of transmission
c. eliminate cell waste products
d. increase the symmetry of the soma
34. As compared to dendrites, axons usually ____.
a. form the information-receiving pole of the neuron
b. are shorter in length
*c. are covered with myelin
d. taper in diameter toward their periphery
35. The insulating material that covers many vertebrate axons is called the ____.
a. dendrite
*b. myelin sheath
c. cell body or soma
d. presynaptic terminal
36. Jasmine is in her physiology lab practicing labeling a neuron. When she gets to the nodes of Ranvier, she will be labeling ______.
a. the spiny outgrowths on dendrites
b. the myelin sheath
c. the swelling at the end of the axon
*d. the gaps in the myelin sheath along the axon
37. Gaps in the insulating material that surrounds axons are known as ____.
a. interpeduncular nuclei
*b. nodes of Ranvier
c. myelin synapses
d. presynaptic terminals
38. A presynaptic terminal is also known as ____.
*a. an end bulb
b. a node of Ranvier
c. myelin
d. a spine
39. An axon has many branches, each of which swells at its tip. These are known as ____.
*a. presynaptic terminals
b. efferent axons
c. afferent axons
d. intrinsic neurons
40. Professor Case studies how drugs of abuse change the amount of chemical that neurons release from the presynaptic terminal into the ______.
a. dendritic terminal
*b. junction between neurons
c. afferent space
d. nucleus
41. Neurons typically have one ____, but many ____.
a. dendrite; axons
*b. axon; dendrites
c. cell body; axons
d. dendrite; cell bodies
42. As a general rule, axons convey information ____.
a. toward dendrites of their own cell
b. toward their own cell body
*c. away from their own cell body
d. to surrounding glia
43. If you were to accidentally touch a hot stove with your hand, you would quickly pull your hand away. The information carried to the muscles in your arm to make them contract was carried by ____.
*a. efferent neurons
b. afferent neurons
c. intrinsic neurons
d. sensory neurons
44. If all of a neuron’s dendrites or axons were contained within the spinal cord, it would be considered a(n) ____ neuron.
a. efferent
b. afferent
*c. intrinsic
d. Purkinje
45. What type of neuron in the pons receives information only from other cells in the pons and sends information only to other cells in the pons?
a. Afferent
b. Efferent
*c. Intrinsic
d. Inter-synaptic
46. Professor Peach is lecturing in her class about glial cells. She will tell her class that glial cells ______.



