
Introduction to Managerial Accounting 8th Edition by Peter Brewer test bank

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Bloom's:  Understand
AACSB:  Reflective Thinking
AICPA:  BB Critical Thinking; FN Measurement
105) In the standard cost formula Y = a + bX, what does the "X" represent?
A) total cost
B) total fixed cost
C) the level of activity
D) variable cost per unit
Answer:  C
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic:  Cost Classifications for Predicting Cost Behavior
Learning Objective:  01-04 Understand cost classifications used to predict cost behavior: variable costs, fixed costs, and mixed costs.
Bloom's:  Remember
AACSB:  Reflective Thinking
AICPA:  BB Critical Thinking; FN Measurement
106) One full-time clerical worker is needed for every 750 accounts receivable. The total wages of the accounts receivable clerks is an example of a:
A) fixed cost.
B) step-variable cost.
C) mixed cost.
D) curvilinear cost.
Answer:  B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic:  Cost Classifications for Predicting Cost Behavior
Learning Objective:  01-04 Understand cost classifications used to predict cost behavior: variable costs, fixed costs, and mixed costs.
Bloom's:  Understand
AACSB:  Reflective Thinking
AICPA:  BB Critical Thinking; FN Measurement
107) Which of the following is unlikely to be classified as a fixed cost with respect to the number of units produced and sold?
A) Property taxes on a headquarters building.
B) Legal department salaries.
C) Cost of leasing the company's mainframe computer.
D) Production supplies.
Answer:  D
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic:  Cost Classifications for Predicting Cost Behavior
Learning Objective:  01-04 Understand cost classifications used to predict cost behavior: variable costs, fixed costs, and mixed costs.
Bloom's:  Understand
AACSB:  Reflective Thinking
AICPA:  BB Critical Thinking; FN Measurement

108) Which of the following costs could contain both variable and fixed cost elements with respect to the total output of the company?
A) Sales commissions.
B) Manufacturing overhead.
C) Direct materials.
D) Administrative salaries.
Answer:  B
Difficulty: 2 Medium
Topic:  Cost Classifications for Predicting Cost Behavior
Learning Objective:  01-04 Understand cost classifications used to predict cost behavior: variable costs, fixed costs, and mixed costs.
Bloom's:  Understand
AACSB:  Reflective Thinking
AICPA:  BB Critical Thinking; FN Measurement
109) A cost incurred in the past that is not relevant to any current decision is classified as a(n):
A) period cost.
B) opportunity cost.
C) sunk cost.
D) differential cost.
Answer:  C
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic:  Cost Classifications for Decision Making; Cost Classifications for Predicting Cost Behavior
Learning Objective:  01-05 Understand cost classifications used in making decisions: differential costs, sunk costs, and opportunity costs.
Bloom's:  Remember
AACSB:  Reflective Thinking
AICPA:  BB Critical Thinking; FN Decision Making
110) The term that refers to costs incurred in the past that are not relevant to a decision is:
A) marginal cost.
B) indirect cost.
C) period cost.
D) sunk cost.
Answer:  D
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic:  Cost Classifications for Decision Making
Learning Objective:  01-05 Understand cost classifications used in making decisions: differential costs, sunk costs, and opportunity costs.
Bloom's:  Remember
AACSB:  Reflective Thinking
AICPA:  BB Critical Thinking; FN Decision Making
111) Differential costs can:
A) only be fixed costs.
B) only be variable costs.
C) be either fixed or variable.
D) be sunk costs.
Answer:  C
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic:  Cost Classifications for Decision Making
Learning Objective:  01-05 Understand cost classifications used in making decisions: differential costs, sunk costs, and opportunity costs.
Bloom's:  Understand
AACSB:  Reflective Thinking
AICPA:  BB Critical Thinking; FN Decision Making
112) All of the following can be differential costs except:
A) variable costs.
B) sunk costs.
C) opportunity costs.
D) fixed costs.
Answer:  B
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic:  Cost Classifications for Decision Making
Learning Objective:  01-05 Understand cost classifications used in making decisions: differential costs, sunk costs, and opportunity costs.



