
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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7.  Roman has always been drawn to the saying “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” and he decides to incorporate this saying into his research project. Roman is trying to define absence in a way that can be empirically tested. He is attempting to use ________.
               a) an hypothesis                           
               b) operationalization
               c) a single-blind study
               d) a theory
8.  A good control group ________.
        a) contains at least one confound                  c) has a limited number of research participants
        b) has a limited number of dependent variables      d) holds constant all variables in the experiment
9.  Which of the following statements concerning critical thinking is incorrect?
a) There are few truths that need not be tested.
b) All evidence is not equal in quality.
c) Some authorities should not be questioned.
d) Critical thinking requires an open mind.
10.  “There is no life outside this solar system and nothing you can say will change that fact!” Which criterion of critical thinking does this person lack?
               a) Evidence is only necessary if it can be tested.
         b) All evidence is not equal in quality.
c) Authority or expertise does not make the claims of the authority or expert true.
d) Critical thinking requires an open mind.

Chapter 1 - Quick Quiz 2
Answer Key
1.       a          Explanation: Asking “what” means asking for a description. (Topic: The Scientific Approach, Understand the Concepts, LO 1.5 - Recall the five steps of the scientific approach)
2.       c          Explanation: Skinner believed that behavior that is followed by good consequences is reinforced. (Topic: The Field of Psychology Today, Remember the Facts, LO - 1.3 Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology)
3.      d            Explanation: Survival advantage is a basic premise of evolutionary psychology. (Topic: The Field of Psychology Today, Analyze It, LO 1.3 - Summarize the basic ideas behind the seven modern perspectives in psychology)
4.      c            Explanation: This statement is an educated guess about the effects of violent cartoons. (Topic: The Scientific Approach, Apply What You Know, LO 1.5 - Recall the five steps of the scientific approach)
5.     d              Explanation: Naturalistic observation involves watching behaviors without intervening. (Topic: The Scientific Approach, Remember the Facts, LO 1.6 - Compare and contrast some of the methods used to describe behavior)
6      d             Explanation: A correlation measures how strongly two variables are related. (Topic: Correlations: The Scientific Approach, Remember the Facts, LO 1.7 - Explain how researchers use the correlational technique to study relationships between two or more variables)
7.     b              Explanation: Operational definitions define terms in ways that render them measurable. (Topic: The Scientific Approach, Apply What You Know, LO 1.8 - Identify the steps involved in designing an experiment)
8.    d                Explanation: A control group is used as a baseline of comparison, so all variables should be held as constant as possible to avoid any confounds. (Topic: The Scientific Approach, Understand the Concepts, LO 1.8 - Identify the steps involved in designing an experiment)



