
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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80.  In psychological studies, randomization is used to ensure that:
a. there will be an independent and dependent variable.
b. each person has an equal chance of being assigned to each group.
c. the control group does not know the purpose of the study.
d. the experimenter won't know who is in each group.
Answer  b     % correct 84      a= 5  b= 84  c= 3  d= 7      r = .33
81.  A "fake treatment" is one way to define a ________.
a. decoy
b. demand characteristic
c. control group
d. placebo
Answer  d      % correct 81      a= 7  b= 6  c= 6  d= 81      r = .39
82.  In an experiment, a researcher manipulates one variable to see how it affects a second variable.  The manipulated variable is called the ________.
a. dependent variable
b. control variable
c. independent variable
d. hypothetical variable
Answer  c      % correct 83      a= 12  b= 4  c= 83  d= 1      r =.46
83.  In an experiment, a researcher manipulates one variable to see how it affects a second variable.  The second variable, which is observed for any possible effects, is called the ________.
a. dependent variable
b. control variable
c. independent variable
d. hypothetical variable
Answer  a      % correct 87      a= 87  b= 1  c= 10  d= 3      r = .40
84.  The method of psychological research which utilizes a control group, a dependent variable, and an independent variable is
a. the experiment.
b. the survey.
c. the case study.
d. naturalistic observation.
Answer  a      % correct 93      a= 93  b= 0  c= 4  d= 3      r = .21
85.  Professor McSpell designed an experiment to test her hypothesis that exercise will increase spelling ability.  She divided children into three groups and had one group do 10 minutes of exercises, one group do 30 minutes of exercises, and the third group do no exercise.  She then tested all three groups of children to see how many words they could spell correctly on a spelling test. In this experiment, the scores on the spelling test serve as the
a. dependent variable.
b. independent variable.
c. control group.
d. reliability measure.
Answer  a      % correct 85      a= 85  b= 8  c= 0  d= 7      r = .46
86.  Which of the following is a strength of experiments?
a. They cannot be repeated by anyone other than the experimenter.
b. They allow for the establishment of cause-effect relationships.
c. They are not subject to demand characteristics since the subjects do not know they are being observed.
d. They allow us to draw definitive conclusions about behavior in the natural environment based on subjects' behavior in the laboratory.
Answer  b     % correct 71      a= 0  b= 71  c= 5  d= 23      r = .25
87.  The purpose of an experiment is to discover whether there is a relationship between the ________ and the ________.
a. independent variable; control variable
b. dependent variable; control variable
c. control group; experimental group
d. independent variable; dependent variable
Answer  d     % correct 69      a= 4  b= 3  c= 24  d= 69      r = .30
88.  Cause-and-effect conclusions can be drawn from the results of an experiment because:
a. it is almost always performed in a laboratory setting.
b. statistical analysis can be applied to data from an experiment.
c. the independent variable is manipulated while other possible causes of change in the dependent variable are held constant.
d. several groups of subjects, not just one sample, are typically investigated in a laboratory experiment.
Answer  c      % correct 68      a= 4  b= 15  c= 68  d= 13      r = .28
89.  In an experiment on the effects of level of motivation on the performance of typists, the researcher randomly assigned one third of her subjects to each of three levels of motivation (and then induced different levels of motivation in the three groups).  She measured the average words typed per minute by each group, and found that performance was highest under medium motivation, average under low motivation, and worst under high motivation.  What was the independent variable in this experiment?



