
Psychology An Exploration 4th Edition by Saundra Ciccarelli test bank

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Bloom’s taxonomy: Application
22. Ms. Horea participated in a study in which she was given no treatment for her condition. Ms. Horea was in the ________ group.
         a. observed                                          c. hazard
         b. experimental                                   d. control
Answer: d
Difficulty: Moderate
Topic: Scientific Research
Skill: Apply What You Know
Objective (LO): 1.8 Identify the steps involved in designing an experiment.
Bloom’s taxonomy: Application
23. Neerav participated in a study in which he was told he would try out a new allergy medicine. Neerav was in the group that received a sugar pill, but he believed that the pill did indeed help control his allergy symptoms. This phenomenon is known as ______. 
         a. the experimenter effect.                          c. the placebo effect.
         b. the mind-over-matter effect.                  d. a successful experiment.
Answer: c
Difficulty: Moderate
Topic: Scientific Research
Skill: Apply What You Know
Objective (LO): 1.9 Recall two common sources of problems in an experiment and some ways to control for these effects.
Bloom’s taxonomy: Application
24. Which of the following is a guideline for doing research with people?
         a. Deception is never justified.
         b. Participants cannot just quit without a valid, logical reason.
         c. Participants must be allowed to make an informed decision about participation.
         d. Participants must understand that confidentiality is not guaranteed.
Answer: c
Difficulty: Moderate
Topic: Ethics of Psychological Research
Skill: Remember the Facts
Objective (LO): 1.10 Identify some of the common ethical guidelines for doing research with people.
Bloom’s taxonomy: Analysis
25. At the end of her experiment, Dr. Roe informed all of the participants that not everyone received the pill that was being tested for its effect on hunger. Some people, in fact, received a sugar pill that should have had no effect. Relaying this information to the study’s participants after completing the experiment is known as ______.
         a. informed decision-making                     c. withdrawing
         b. deceiving                                        d. debriefing
Answer: d
Difficulty: Moderate
Topic: Ethics of Psychological Research
Skill: Apply What You Know
Objective (LO): 1.10 Identify some of the common ethical guidelines for doing research with people.
Bloom’s taxonomy: Application
MyLab Post-Test
1. Wundt referred to the process of examining and measuring one's own thoughts and mental activities as ____.
         a. dualism.                                          c. focus of control.
         b. objective introspection.                          d. evolutionary consciousness.
Answer: b
Difficulty: Moderate
Topic: The History of Psychology
Skill: Remember the Facts
Objective (LO): 1.1 Describe the contributions of some of the early pioneers in psychology.



