
Molecular Biology of the Cell 6th Edition by Bruce Alberts test bank

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D.  Its genome size is almost half that of humans.
E.   All of the above.
10.27   Judged by the average number of nucleotide-pair differences per 1000 nucleotide pairs, which of the following pairs show the highest difference?
A.  The genomes of S. cerevisiae and M. musculus
B.  The genomes of two different E. coli strains
C.  The ribosomal RNA genes from human and E. coli
D.  The transfer RNA genes in a human and M. musculus
E.   The genomes of two humans
3.28   Indicate if each of the following descriptions matches RNA (R) or DNA (D). Your answer would be a five-letter string composed of letters R and D only, e.g. RDDRR.
       (  ) It is mainly found as a long, double-stranded molecule.
       (  ) It contains the sugar ribose.
       (  ) It normally contains the bases thymine, cytosine, adenine, and guanine.
       (  ) It can normally adopt distinctive folded shapes.
       (  ) It can be used as the template for protein synthesis.
4.29   Indicate if each of the following descriptions matches messenger RNAs (M), ribosomal RNAs (R), or transfer RNAs (T). Your answer would be a four-letter string composed of letters M, R, and T only, e.g. RRRT.
       (  ) They contain codons.
       (  ) They contain anticodons.
       (  ) They are (covalently) attached to amino acids.
       (  ) They are at the core of a complex that carries out protein synthesis.
5.30   Indicate if each of the following descriptions matches lithotrophic (L), organotrophic (O), or phototrophic (P) organisms. Your answer would be a four-letter string composed of letters L, O, and P only, e.g. LLPP.
       (  ) They feed on other living organisms or their organic products.
       (  ) They are responsible for the current oxygen-rich atmosphere of the Earth.
       (  ) They are all known to be prokaryotic.
       (  ) They are the primary energy converters in hydrothermal vents in the ocean floor.
6.31   Indicate if each of the following statements is true (T) or false (F). Your answer would be a five-letter string composed of letters T and F only, e.g. FFTFF.
       (  ) Animals ultimately depend on bacteria for fixation of the atmospheric nitrogen.
( ) If one finds animals in an isolated ecosystem, there should be photosynthetic organisms in that ecosystem as well.
       (  ) Carbon fixation can be carried out by bacteria only.
       (  ) All eukaryotes are organotrophs.
       (  ) Compared to eukaryotic cells, prokaryotes show greater biochemical diversity.
6.32   In the following paragraph, fill in the blanks (indicated by numbers) with either Archaea (A), Bacteria (B), or Eukaryotes (E). Your answer would be a three-letter string composed of letters A, B, and E only, e.g. ABE.
“Methanococcus jannaschii is an anaerobic thermophilic microbe that belongs to the domain ... (1) and is found in extreme environments such as hydrothermal vents. It lives at temperatures near the boiling point of water and at pressures over 200 times higher than at sea level. Its genome sequence, identified in 1996, revealed that most of its metabolic processes are similar to those in ... (2), while its genetic machinery is more similar to that of ... (3).”
10.33   Imagine two spherical cells, one of which is 5000 times larger in volume than the other. The smaller is a prokaryote, and the larger cell is a eukaryote with 20% of its volume confined in a spherical nucleus. If the diameter of the prokaryotic cell is 0.7 micrometers, what is the diameter of the nucleus in the eukaryotic cell in micrometers? Write down your answer as a number only.
10.34   What is the order of the following evolutionary landmarks (A to D), from the oldest to the most recent? Your answer would be a four-letter string composed of letters A to D, with the oldest event on the left.
A.  Divergence of human and bird lineages
B.  Divergence of human and chimpanzee lineages
C.  Divergence of A. thaliana lineage from the conifers lineage
D.  Divergence of fish and insect lineages



