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knee有膝,膝盖的意思。那你们想知道knee的用法吗?今天小编给大家带来了knee的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。


n. 膝,膝盖

vt. 用膝盖碰

变形:过去式: kneed; 现在分词:kneeing; 过去分词:kneed;




在表示“跪着,屈膝”时, knee常用复数形式。

在表示“在…的膝下”时,通常用at sb's knees结构。


I've bumped my knee on the wall.我的膝盖撞上了墙壁。

I bounced the baby on my knee.我把婴儿放在膝上上下颠着。

His left knee was hurt in a traffic accident.他的左膝在一次交通事故中受伤了。


1、A stiff knee following surgery forced her to walk with a limp.


2、She sat on Rossi's knee as he whispered in her ear.


3、He had to have one leg amputated above the knee.


knee词组 | 习惯用语

knee joint 膝关节;弯头结合

on one's knee ◎(恳求、祈祷、屈服时)跪着;◎卑躬屈膝地;百依百顺地;◎恳求,哀求;◎在危急(或失败)状态中,难以维持的;筋疲力尽的;

knee pad n. 护膝

knee jerk [医]膝反射

knee boot 及膝靴

knock knee 膝外翻

knock knees 膝外翻

knee bolster 膝垫;护膝垫板

knee bend 屈膝

knee brace n. 角拉条;[机] 膝形拉条;[机] 角撑,隅撐

knee piece 斜撑;肘材;曲椽

knee guard 护膝

knee point 曲线拐点

kneeing 用膝顶人

Knees 跪地; 膝盖; 膝关节; 你死;

Knee Thruster 膝推进器

Knee OA 膝骨性关节炎; 关节炎; 膝OA; 探讨膝骨性关节炎;

arthrectomy knee 膝关节切除术

knee amputee 释义单侧膝上截肢者

knee pants 长至膝部的短裤; 短裤;

hooped knee 马膝部外生骨疣

stiff knee 膝关节僵硬; 僵硬膝;


1.He boohooed when he skinned his knee.当他的膝盖擦破时, 他大声地哭了起来。

2.Kate's arms were clasped around her knees.凯特的双臂紧抱着双膝。

3.She struck the desk with her knee.她的膝盖撞上了桌子

4.Her new skirt flares at the knees.她的新裙子在膝部向外展开。

5.Jack skinned his knee when he fell.杰克跌倒时膝盖擦破了皮。

6.I had trouble unbending my cramped knees.我麻木的膝盖很难伸直。

7.I accidentally hit my knee on the desk.我的膝盖不小心撞到了桌子。

8.The kid with a booboo on his knee?你是说坐在那儿,那个膝盖上贴绷带的小孩啊?

9.They went down on their knees and kowtowed.他们跪下并磕头。

10.I learnt these songs at my mother’s knee.我是在小时候学的这些歌曲。

11.She was on her knees weeding the garden.她跪着在园里除草。

12.The child has skinny, freckled legs with prominent knees.那孩子的腿很瘦,长有斑痕,膝盖突出”。

13.She went down on her knees, pleading for mercy.她双膝跪下, 乞求谅解。

14.He felt dizzy and a bit weak at the knees.他一阵头晕,两腿微微发软。

15.Elbow pads and knee pads are essential on a skateboard.滑滑板时带护肘和护膝是必要的。

16.A flake of bone had lodged itself in his knee.一块碎骨片留在他的膝盖里。

17.The boy fell and scraped the skin off his knee.这男孩摔了一跤, 擦破了膝盖上的皮。

18.Her knees gave way and she slithered to the floor.她膝盖支持不住,滑倒在地板上。

19.He went down on bended knee and asked her to marry him.他单膝跪地向她求婚。

20.I went down on one knee to plug in the vacuum cleaner.我单腿跪下插上吸尘器插头。


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