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Michigan has a great football team this fall. If we don't win the national championship this year, I'll eat my hat. One thing I do know something about -- playing the stock market. And I'll eat my hat if it doesn't go up another 300 points by the end of the year. Ever since grandmother died, grandfather has been eating his heart out -- he's lost all interest in life and won't even get out of bed to eat. Hey, Pete, you know that girl in the physics class you like so much, the one who won't pay any attention to you? Well, eat your heart out, buddy -- I'm taking her out for dinner and a movie Saturday night.

To eat one's hat To eat one's heart out 要是我们仔细想一想的话,恐怕每个人都有不能兑现自己所说的话的时候,在中文里我们有时把这种现象叫做:食言。英文也有和中文同样的说法,那就是:to eat one's words。 To eat one's words是一个很普遍的俗语。今天我们首先要给大家介绍一个和to eat one's words相仿的习惯用语。那就是:to eat one's hat。当一个人说to eat his hat,那就是他十分肯定他说的话是对的,要是他错了,他宁可把自己的帽子给吃了。中文的意思就是:要是他错了,他就不姓张,或不姓李等等。 举个例子来说吧:一个密执安大学的研究生王某某对自己的学校感到非常骄傲,他对他的朋友说: "Michigan has a great football team this fall. If we don't win the national championship this year, I'll eat my hat." 这个学生说:"密执安大学今年秋天绝对会有一个非常强的足球队。要是我们今年不能获得全国足球赛冠军的话,我就不姓王。" 下面这个例子是一个姓李的股票商正在对他的顾客说话,预测股票市场的前景。他说: "One thing I do know something about -- playing the stock market. And I'll eat my hat if it doesn't go up another 300 points by the end of the year." 这位股票商说:"有一样东西我还懂得一点,那就是玩股票市场。要是到今年年底股票价格不上升三百个百分点的话,我就不姓李。" 下面我们要讲的一个习惯用语也是和"吃",也就是eat这个字有关的,但是不是吃帽子,而是to eat one's heart out。大家都知道,heart就是人的"心"。To eat one's heart out难道是吃人心吗?具体来说,to eat one's heart out不是这个意思。但是,从某种意义上来说也确实包含着这种含义。To eat one's heart out的真正意思是:非常沉痛和绝望的悲痛。下面的例子是一个朋友在告诉他的朋友关于家里发生的不幸的事: "Ever since grandmother died, grandfather has been eating his heart out -- he's lost all interest in life and won't even get out of bed to eat." 这个人说:"自从祖母去世后,祖父非常伤心,他对生活失去了一切兴趣,都不愿意起床吃饭。" To eat one's heart out还可以用在另一种场合,也就是半开玩笑地让别人对你产生妒忌。你听了下面这个例子就会明白它的意思了。这是一个大学生在对他的要好朋友说话: "Hey, Pete, you know that girl in the physics class you like so much, the one who won't pay any attention to you? Well, eat your heart out, buddy -- I'm taking her out for dinner and a movie Saturday night." 他说:"喂,彼得,你知道那个和我们一起上物理课的女孩吗?那个你非常喜欢,但是她从来也没注意过你的女孩?这下好了,你去伤心去吧,我星期六请她出去吃晚饭、看电影!" 听了这种话,再好的朋友恐怕也会生气的。所以,除非你当真把它作为开玩笑,而且肯定对方也把它当做玩笑,否则还是不要叫别人去eat his heart out。 今天我们讲了两个俗语,一个是:to eat one's hat,这是指一个人打赌说自己说的话绝对正确。我们今天讲的第二个俗语是:to eat one's heart out,这是指悲痛,或半开玩笑地让别人对你产生妒忌心理。

美国习语: 自作主张的人,很大的成功

I know this guy is a smart political worker. But he's hard to control. In fact, he's a loose cannon who might do more damage to our side than the man I'm running against. A story from Hollywood said that the new James Bond film is the blockbuster film of the season. The biggest Hollywood blockbuster of all time still remains "Gone With the Wind", the classic picture about the Civil War. And the amazing thing is it was made back in 1939.

战争往往给语言留下深刻的痕迹。当战火停息,一切恢复正常以后,一些带火药味的字和词汇经常会变成人们日常的用语来形容那些和战场没有太大关系的人或事物。 有的俗语甚至还反映了两百年前打仗的形式,例如,美国人经常会说某个人是一个:loose cannon。大家都知道, loose 是松散的意思,而 cannon 是指大炮。 Loose cannon 的来历是几百年前当人们在海上作战时,他们往往在船上放好些大炮,每一座大炮放在一个带四个轮子的平台上。在战争间隙的时候,船员们用很粗的绳子把这些大炮栓住,不让它们随便移动。可是,当风暴来临,这些绳子在风浪的冲击下断了以后,大炮就会在船甲板上到处滚动,会把那些不幸就在大炮旁边的船员轧死,这比真正的敌人还要危险。 现在, loose cannon 的意思和打仗并没有什么关系。人们把 loose cannon 用来指一个失去控制、无视权威、打破常轨的人,这种人往往会伤害和他自己站在一边的人。例如,有些美国政府官员在重大问题上擅自采取行动,也不向总统汇报。国会议员就把这些人称为 loose cannon。下面的例子是一个政治家在谈论一个要为他竞选连任参加工作的人: "I know this guy is a smart political worker. But he's hard to control. In fact, he's a loose cannon who might do more damage to our side than the man I'm running against." 这句话的意思是:"我知道这家伙在政治工作方面很聪明。但是,这个人很难控制。实际上,他就像一个没有约束的大炮,给我们造成的危害可能会比我竞选对手造成的危害更大。" 我们今天要给大家介绍的第二个和战争有关的俗语是:blockbuster。 Blockbuster 原来是第二次世界大战期间联军在和纳粹德国进行空战中用的武器,这种武器的力量十分强大,它可以把城市中两条街之间的所有楼房夷为平地。而现在,blockbuster 是指某件事取得很大的成功,特别是指文艺界一些成功的电影、歌曲、剧本等。例如: "A story from Hollywood said that the new James Bond film is the blockbuster film of the season." 这是说:"好莱坞的一篇文章说,詹姆斯·邦德新拍的那个电影是这一季度最成功的片子。" 你可能很熟悉下面这个例子中提到的那个电影: "The biggest Hollywood blockbuster of all time still remains "Gone With the Wind", the classic picture about the civil war. And the amazing thing is it was made back in 1939." 这句话的意思是:"好莱坞历来最成功的片子仍然是关于美国南北战争的经典作品「飘」。令人惊奇的是这部片子还是早在1939年拍摄的。" 今天我们讲了两个和战争有关的俗语。第一个是:loose cannon, loose cannon 是指那些自作主张、无视权威、难以控制的人。我们今天讲的第二个俗语是: blockbuster,blockbuster 是指某个项目取得很大成功的意思,特别是指文艺界作品的成功。


The company financial report isn't due until next Friday. But the boss has ants in his pants and wants us to have it all ready for him on Tuesday morning. Say, what happened to the order for table seven? The guy's been waiting for a half hour and he's really getting ants in his pants for the cheeseburger and fries he ordered. Sitting there at my sister's wedding dinner, I had butterflies in my stomach because I know I'd have to stand up and make a speech. Yeah, sure I had butterflies in my stomach in the locker room. But once I got out on the court and caught that first pass, I was just fine.

ants in your pants to have butterflies in one's stomach 科学家们说,昆虫,也就是我们一般说的小虫子,对人类有不少好处。到目前为止,科学家们已经发现的昆虫共有七十万种。世界上竟然会有这么多不同的小虫子,你可能会觉得难以相信。有些小虫子,我们还少不了它们,例如,蜜蜂传播花粉,使得植物得以繁殖。还有些虫子会杀害虫,在有的国家里,小虫子还能当食品。可是,尽管如此,大概喜欢蟑螂的人还是不多的。 美国的成语和俗语就可以反应出人们很讨厌那些生活在我们周围的小虫子。今天我们来向大家解释两个成语,都是和小虫子有关的。我们要讲的第一个俗语是 ants in your pants。 Ants 就是蚂蚁, pants 就是裤子。蚂蚁钻进了裤子,你可以想象是个什么滋味了。你肯定坐不住了。 Ants in your pants 这个俗语的意思就是一个人很紧张,坐立不安。我们来举个例子吧: "The company financial report isn't due until next Friday. But the boss has ants in his pants and wants us to have it all ready for him on Tuesday morning." 这句话的意思是:"我们公司的财务报告应该是下星期五才交。但是,我们的老板紧张得要命,非要我们在星期二早上就交给他。" 坐立不安并不一定是由于精神紧张。有的时候,不耐烦的心情也会使人坐立不安。下面就是一个小饭馆的女服务员在和厨师讲话: "Say, what happened to the order for table seven? The guy's been waiting for a half hour and he's really getting ants in his pants for the cheeseburger and fries he ordered." 这位服务员说:"喂,七号桌子点的东西好了吗? 那人等他点的奶酪汉堡包和炸薯条已经等了半个小时啦,他都有点不耐烦了。" 有些蝴蝶是很漂亮的。但是,他们在美国一个俗语里出现的时候就不见得漂亮了。这个俗语是这么说的: To have butterflies in one's stomach。大家都知道, butterflies 是指蝴蝶, stomach 是人身体里消化食品的胃。 To have butterflies in one's stomach,从字面上来解释就是,一个人的胃里有蝴蝶。可是,这个说法的真正意思是一种持续不断的恐惧、紧张或忧虑的心情,和中文里说的"心里感到七上八下"很相似。要是你很怕在大庭广众发表讲话的话,你就可能对你的朋友说: "Sitting there at my sister's wedding dinner, I had butterflies in my stomach because I know I'd have to stand up and make a speech." 这句话的意思是:"我姐姐结婚那天晚上举行宴会的时候,我坐在那里心里直感到七上八下,因为我知道我得站起来讲话。" 我们再来听听一个篮球运动员在比赛完毕后讲的话: "Yeah, sure I had butterflies in my stomach in the locker room. But once I got out on the court and caught that first pass, I was just fine." 这位篮球运动员说:"比赛前在更衣室里的时候,我当然感到很紧张不安。可是,等我一上场,接到第一个传来的球的时候,我就没事了。 今天我们给大家介绍了两个俗语,第一个是 ants in your pants。 Ants in your pants 是坐立不安的意思。这种坐立不安的心情可能由各种原因造成的,例如紧张,或是不耐烦等。我们今天讲的第二个俗语是 to have butterflies in one's stomach。这是指心情不安,心里感到七上八下的意思。


Sally and Joe had a big fight last week, but they've made up and now everything is peaches and cream again. Peter's sister is a lovely girl. She has a real peaches and cream complexion, soft and white as milk and a touch of pink like a fresh ripe peach. Bill was sure that he'd be elected class president. But when Mary beat him in the voting, he told us he was glad he didn't get the job because it was too much work. That's nothing but sour grapes. Talk about a clear case of sour grapes. When Bob's girl left him to marry another man, he went around telling anybody who would listen that he left her because she wasn't good enough for him.

英文里"水果"这个字,也就是 "fruit" 是来自很早以前的一个拉丁文里的动词,意思是"享受"。而事实上也确实如此,香蕉、苹果、橘子、樱桃、桃子或葡萄等水果放在果盘里看起来都十分吸引人。因此、有关水果的俗语往往是具有一种肯定和完善的含义,例如:peaches and cream。 大家知道 peaches 就是桃子, cream 是指奶油。 Peaches and cream的意思是:一切都很美好。有人可能会问:桃子和奶油有什么关系呢?这是因为美国人在吃水果时往往喜欢把水果切成块,然后加一点奶油一起吃。实际上,美国人吃很多东西都喜欢和奶油一起吃。所以,peaches and cream 就意味着完美无缺。请听下面这个例子: "Sally and Joe had a big fight last week, but they've made up and now everything is peaches and cream again." 这句话的意思是:"沙莉和乔伊上星期大吵了一场。可是,后来他们互相谈开了,现在他们又很要好了。" Peaches and cream 还可以形容一个年轻少女容光焕发的面孔: "Peter's sister is a lovely girl. She has a real peaches and cream complexion, soft and white as milk and a touch of pink like a fresh ripe peach." 这人说:"比德的妹妹是一个可爱的女孩。她的皮肤真是完美无缺,柔软洁白得像牛奶,还透露出一点像成熟了的新鲜桃子的粉色。" 可是,水果在美国成语里也并不千篇一律地含有褒意,有的时候也反映了反面的意思。下面我们要讲的一个俗语就是一个例子:sour grapes。 Sour 是酸的意思,grapes 就是葡萄。中文里也有酸葡萄的说法,而且中英文的意思也完全相同。举个例子就能说明这一点: "Bill was sure he'd be elected class president. But when Mary beat him in the voting, he told us he was glad he didn't get the job because it was too much work. That's nothing but sour grapes!" 这句话翻成中文是说:"比尔开始认为他肯定能当选为班主席。但是,当玛丽在选举中击败他以后,他对我们说,他很高兴他没有得到这个职位,因为当了班主席工作太多了。他这么说纯属是吃酸葡萄!" 下面是另一个关于 sour grapes 的例子: "Talk about a clear case of sour grapes! When Bob's girl friend left him to marry another man, he went around telling anybody who would listen that he left her because she wasn't good enough for him." 这人说:"要说吃酸葡萄吧,这件事可是很明显的了。当鲍勃的女朋友和另外一个人结婚后,鲍勃到处去对那些愿意听他诉苦的人说,是他不要他的女朋友的,因为他的女朋友配不上他。" 今天我们讲了两个和水果 fruit 这个字有联系的俗语。第一个是 peaches and cream。 Peaches and cream 是指一切都很完美。我们讲的第二个俗语是 sour grapes。 Sour grapes 跟中文里的说法"酸葡萄"的意思一样。

美国习语: 跳蚤市场,嘴巴闭紧

I was lucky when I went to the flea market today. In the middle of all the worthless junk I found a carved jade Chinese snuff bottle and bought it for $5 : the seller didn't know what it was. For me a flea market is a sad place -- all those memories of the past: stuff that used to be precious to people who have died or grown old or just moved away. Hey, clam up, will you! I've heard enough already about how hard you work in the office. The cops found a man they know was a witness to the murder. But he has clammed up and won't talk -- he's afraid the killer's mob will come after him if he testifies in court.

科学家们说,世界上有许多昆虫对人类是有益的,但是也有好多小虫子使人感到讨厌,比如说像蚊子、苍蝇、跳蚤等。特别是跳蚤,它虽小,但是咬起人来很利害,让人感到非常痒,而且还可能会传染致命的病菌。可是,美国人倒是很喜欢跳蚤市场。跳蚤市场在英文里就是叫:flea market。 什么是flea market呢?Flea market实际上和跳蚤一点关系都没有。Flea market是一种往往在周末举行的非正式集市,flea market一般都是在户外,那儿有许多摊贩出售各种各样的东西,有不少都是用过的旧东西,新的东西也有,但是质量一般都比较差,价钱也很便宜。可是,要是你眼光敏锐的话,你能花很少的钱买到很有价值的古董和其他东西,就像下面这个人一样: "I was lucky when I went to the flea market today. In the middle of all the worthless junk I found a carved jade Chinese snuff bottle and bought it for five dollars: the seller didn't know what it was." 这个人说:"我今天去跳蚤市场,运气还真不错。在那些毫无用处的破玩意儿堆里,我找到一个中国鼻烟壶,是用玉做的,上面还有雕刻。我才化了五块钱。卖东西的人根本不知道那是什么东西。" 有的人很容易伤感,看到一些旧的东西就触景生情,钩起他们对以往的回忆。下面就是一个例子: "For me a flea market is a sad place--all those memories of the past: stuff that used to be precious to people who have died or grown old or just moved away." 这人说:"在我看来,跳蚤市场是一个令人感伤的地方,市场上卖的东西过去对一些人来说是很宝贵的,但是他们老的老了,死的死了,有的人也已经不知去向了。" 下面我们要给大家介绍的一个习惯用语也很有趣,有时也很有用:to clam up。Clam在中文里就是蛤蜊,当蛤蜊外面的壳关起来的时候,你要想把它打开是不容易的。因此,clam up的意思就是嘴巴闭得紧紧的。当然,在不同场合,它的意思也就有所不同。下面这个例子是一个人听他朋友讲话听得太腻味了,于是他对他的朋友说: "Hey, clam up, will you! I've heard enough already about how hard you work in the office!" 这个人说:"咳,你别说了,行不行!我已经听够了你在办公室工作多卖力的话了。" 下面这个例子的情况可完全不同了。这是要这个人说话,可是他偏不说: "The cops found a man they know was a witness to the murder. But he has clammed up and won't talk--he's afraid the killer's mob will come after him if he testifies in court." 这句话的意思是:"警察找到了一个人,他们知道他是一起谋杀案的目击者。可是,他嘴巴很紧,什么也不肯说,他怕要是他出庭作证,那个谋杀集团不会放过他。" 我们在今天的美国习惯用语: 节目里给大家介绍了两个和小动物有关的习惯用语。第一个是:flea market。Flea market是一种非正式的市场,专卖一些旧的或质量比较差的便宜货。今天我们讲的第二个习惯用语是:to clam up。To clam up的意思是把嘴巴闭紧,不说话。


★ 美国习语:集中精神

★ 美国习语:高兴激动

★ 美国习语:A horse laugh

★ 美国习语:悲痛欲绝

★ 美国习语学习:悲痛欲绝

★ 美国习语第1街

★ 美国习语:左右不定

★ 美国习语第59街

★ 美国习语学习:高兴激动

★ 美国习语:有点儿怪



