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As the Internet is open to everyone, it needs to be built and managedby all. The governance of the Internet is an important part of global governance. The international community should work together to build a global Internet governance system that is fair and equitable.


The Internet is a strong driving force for world economic growth and achievement of the Millennium Development Goals and takes an important place in the future global development agenda.


The 21st century is an era of the Internet and IT application. As amajor cyber state with 618 million Internet users, China attaches great importance to cyber security and IT application and is committed to improving its level of cyber security.


China has always been contributing its part to building and maintaining cyber space and committed to working with the rest of the international community to create a peaceful, secure, open and cooperative cyber space.


Amidst the frequent occurrence of incidents in cyber space, parties concerned should take a constructive approach, engage in dialogue on the basis of mutual respect and trust, and resolve differences through cooperation.


The fast growth of the information and communication technology (ICT) has exerted profound impacts on all aspects of social and economic life of mankind, and offered brand new digital opportunities for the advancement of human civilization. But at the same time, it has also brought unprecedented challenges.


Cybercrime and terrorism have been on the rise. The massive-scalesurveillance activities by an individual country have severely infringed on other countries’ sovereignty and their citizen’s privacy. Cyber-attacks and militarized tendency in cyber space can diminish international security and mutual trust, and the imbalanced development of the Internet worldwide needs to be corrected in a timely way.


Cyber space is a new frontier that deserves our special care. The international community has a shared responsibility to maintain security, stability and prosperity in cyber space.



We have traveled a journey from the discovery of fire to the use of electricity, and from the excavation of fossil fuels to the rapid development of renewable energies. And every time, the discovery of a new source of energy and the replacement of the old always played a crucial role in human progress. The reasons are simple.


Large scale exploitation and application of energy helps increase productivity in a dramatic way. This stimulates scientific and technological progress. This reduces the distance between countries and regions. And this drives economic globalization.


However, the development and use of energy also create environmental and security problems, which have posed challenges for us all.


The growth of population and economy leads to immense increase of energy consumption. The global ecological and environmental system is now under huge pressure. Global challenges such as climate change and energy security are increasingly acute.


For all seven billion people on this planet, the earth is our only home. We have only one choice, and that is to cherish and care for our home.


We must not exhaust all the resources passed on to us by previous generations and leave nothing to our children, or pursue development in a destructive way.


Clear waters and green mountains are as good as mountains of gold and silver. We must maintain harmony between man and nature and pursue sustainable development.


And there is only one way to do this, and that is to go green and go low-carbon. This is how we can grow the world economy in a sustainable way.


At present, China has greater installed capacity in hydropower, wind power and solar power than any other country in the world.


Of the total energy consumption in 2016 (4.36 billion tons of standard coal), non-fossil fuel accounted for 13.3%, which was 1.3 percentage points higher than the previous year.


In the first three quarters of last year, GDP per unit of energy use downed by 5.2% year on year. Such progress is largely attributed to green development.


As urbanization and agricultural modernization remains an ongoing process in China, energy conservation and emission reduction becomes a daunting task. One example is the autumn and winter haze resulting from air pollution.


China is taking on this task. We will strive to make the growth in energy supply mainly green and low-carbon. To this end, we have set a number of targets to be met by 2020.

These include:Increasing the share of non-fossil fuel in primary energy consumption to 15%,

Increasing the proportion of natural gas to at least 10%,

And keeping the percentage of coal consumption below 58%.

This will enable us to reach the emissions peak before 2030.


Energy cooperation features prominently in the win-win cooperation between our two countries. China and the UK have had cooperation in the field of fossil fuels, such as oil and gas. Meanwhile, our cooperation on clean and renewable energy is showing a strong momentum.


Chinese companies are actively involved in Britain’s new energy projects, from nuclear power plants to offshore wind farms, from solar energy projects to biomass electricity generation.


Their growing cooperation with the UK also includes next-generation green transport. The most familiar examples are the zero-emission electric bus and the ultra-low-emission London Black Cabs.


China has a complete nuclear industrial chain, mature nuclear power technology, world-class equipment building and rich construction experience.

China is also a world leader in the field of solar power technology, both R&D and application.



2017 is a year for consolidating the “Golden Era” of China-UK relations. 2017 also marks the 45th anniversary of the Ambassadorial-level diplomatic ties between China and Britain.


There are certainly new opportunities for China-UK relations. Energy cooperation, among others, should be our focus for producing more “golden fruits”.



On behalf of the Chinese government, let me offer warm congratulations on the opening of the conference. I also express sincere welcome to all guests coming from afar, and pay high tribute to those who have long been committed to the development of tourism in the world.


Travel and tourism makes part of the human pursuit for better life; it opens a way to the new and the unknown world.


As the economy grew faster and people’ s income got higher, more and more people could afford to travel. This is even more so whentransportation in China is being made increasingly easier.

even more so 甚至更是如此


China is a huge country. It has a long history, a splendid culture and enchanting natural scenery. The Chinese population is multi-ethnic,each with its own uniqueness. All this could be translated into advantage and potential for tourism development.



In 2015, direct contribution and aggregate contribution of tourism to China’s GDP was 4.9% and 10.8% respectively.


That said, tourism is not contributing as much to the economy in China as it does in many other countries.


In 2015, China’s tourism industry directly employed 28 million people, and the total number of jobs created, directly or indirectly, was 80 million. That was roughly 10% of the number of all jobs in the country.


Tourism is the most direct and natural way of people-to-people exchange. It is a window of openness, a bond of friendship and a messenger of peace.


Tourism helps deepen understanding, reduce prejudice and enhance inclusiveness. It thus has a special role to play in ensuring world peace.


Countries need to step up tourism cooperation in various forms and at multiple levels, and need to deepen respect, accommodation and understanding of the different ethnic groups and cultures in the world, so as to strengthen the foundation for friendship.


Tourism, which is among the fastest growing and highly resilient of all sectors, plays a vital role in stimulating global economic recovery. According to the World Bank, one dollar of consumption in tourism can generate 3.2 dollars of growth globall


Tourism now contributes to about 10% of global GDP and some 30% of services exports worldwide. It surely stands out as the largest sector in the economic mix. In the next 15 years, the number of international visits worldwide will increase from 1.2 billion to 1.8 billion.



Shanghai is a big melting pot with a population largely made up of migrants. This has lead to the development of the city’s colorful culture. Shanghai Boasts a large number of celebrated artists and performing troupes.


Many world-class musicians and artist have come to perform in Shanghai. The city regularly host international TV, film and art festivals. These events have drawn many domestic and overseasparticipants and brought an abundance of high-quality programs to Shanghai audiences.


Tianjin, also known as the diamond of the Bohai Gulf and the gate way to the capital of the People’s Republic of China, has a long andillustrious history. For the visitors today, this legacy can still beglimpsed, in the varied and beautiful architecture, amongst theantiques to be found in the winding streets of the antique market, and with visits to the profusion of religious buildings the litter the city.

illustrious /i'lʌstriəs/





Tianjin High-Tech Developmental Park is one of the first-group high-tech industrial development areas approved by the State Council. The first construction project in National Software and Service Outsourcing Industry Base and Compressive Auxiliary Service Areamarks that National Software and Service Outsourcing Industry Base in Tianjin High-Tech Developmental Park has entered the construction stage.

在四个中央直辖市中,重庆是唯一一个位于东西部交汇处的城市,而其他额直辖市,北京、天津和上海都位于中国东部地区。重庆人口超过3000万,面积 82 000 平方公里,承重山河交错,因此旅游资源十分丰富。重庆的中心城区,被在朝天门外交汇的长江和嘉陵江所包围,依山而建,河流环保,因此重庆也被称为“山城”。

Of the four municipalities directly under the Chinese central government, Chongqing is the only one that is located at the joining sector of eastern China and western China, while the other three, Beijing, Tianjin, and Shanghai, are all located in eastern China. With a population of over 30 million and an area of 82 000 square kilometers crisscrossed by mountains and rivers, Chongqing is richly endowed with tourist resource. The downtown area, embraced by the Yangtze and Jialing River that join at Chaotianmen, is a city built on hillside and surrounded by rivers, and therefore, Chongqing is also known as a mountain city.



A workforce of over 900 million, of whom over 100 million have received higher education or are professionally trained: this is our greatest resource and strength.


The government deficit for 2016 is projected to be 2.18 trillion yuan, an increase of 560 billion yuan over last year, meaning the deficit-to-GDP ratio will rise to 3%. Of the deficit, 1.4 trillion yuan will be carried by the central government, and the remaining 780 billion yuan will be carried by local governments.


Through the above policies, the burdens on enterprises and individuals will be cut by more than 500 billion yuan this year.


More than 800 billion yuan will be invested in railway construction, and investment in road construction will reach 1.65 trillion yuan. A further 20 water conservancy projects will be carried out


improve the subsoil of an additional ten million hectares of cropland, and increase the area of cropland covered by efficient water-saving irrigation by 1.33 million hectares



This year, we will help more than ten million rural residents lift themselves out of poverty, including over two million poor residents who are to be relocated from inhospitable areas


The central government will allocate 16 billion yuan to be used in both rural and urban areas for medical assistance and subsidies, an increase of 9.6% over last year.


We will merge the basic medical insurance systems for rural and non-working urban residents and raise government subsidies for the scheme from 380 to 420 yuan per capita per annum.


According to the 2013 statistics of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Hong Kong’s GRP and per-capita GRP, respectively, ranked the 35th and 7th in the world, as calculated by purchasing power parity.


In 2012, these four sectors employed 47.2 percent of Hong Kong’s total working population, and their added value accounted for 58 percent of Hong Kong’s total GRP.


The infant mortality rate dropped from 4 per thousand in 1997 to 1.6 per thousand in 2013, which is among the world’s lowest.


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