

天下 分享 时间: 加入收藏 我要投稿 点赞



1.clock in 打卡

Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.


2.come on to 对……轻薄;吃豆腐

Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.


3.come easily 易如反掌

Languages come easily to some people.


4.don't have a cow别大惊小怪

Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.


5.push around 欺骗

Don't try to push me around!



1. dunno: 不知道,I don't know的缩略形式

- Where are we exactly?

- Dunno.

- 我们到底在什么地方?

- 不知道。

2. psyched: 兴奋的,喜不自胜的

I'm really psyched about my new job!


3. to knock something: 挑刺儿,批评

Don't knock the food; it's free.


4. pal: 朋友

You're my best pal.


5. wheels: 多指汽车,有时也可指自行车等

I've got to get some wheels - this public transport system's a joke!


6. a tad: 一点,有点,just a little/slightly的替换表达

The fish was OK, but the chips were a tad greasy.


7. hoops: 指篮球运动

Welcome to another evening of college hoops, brought to you by the Nova Motor Company.


8. nippy: 天气严寒的

It's a bit nippy today - you might need a coat.


9. turf: 扔掉,撵走(turf原指“草皮”)

We turfed him out of the house.


Adam and Eve got turfed out of Eden.


10. hang out: 经常出入(某场所);(与某人)厮混

You still hang out at the pool hall?



1. kick ass 了不起 A: Wow, you fixed my computer in less than 10 minutes. You’re good. (哇! 你不到十分钟就把我的计算机修好了呀! 你很棒! ) B: Yep. I just kick ass. (是的! 我就是厉害! ) “kick ass” 除了字面上的「踢屁股」外, 还有「厉害、打败」的意思。当「踢屁股」时, 比如某人放你鸽子, 你很气, 就可以说:”I’m going to kick his ass.” (我得踢他的屁股)。当「厉害」用时, 就像上面例句一样用。”kick ass”还可作「打败某人的意思」。比如某人一向在某方面比你强, 终于有一天你比他厉害了, 你就可以说:”Hahaha…I kicked your ass.”。觉得“ass” 太难听的人, 就用“butt” 吧!

2. XYZ 检查你的拉链Hey, man. XYZ. (老兄啊! 检查一下你的拉链吧。)“XYZ” 是“Check your zipper.” 的意思。在美国, 填表选项时多用打「X」来表示(台湾则用打勾表示)。这个选项的动作就叫”Check”, 也就是这里的XYZ 的X所代表的。Y 是Your, Z 就是Zipper 啰!

3. Hit the road. 上路了 A: Do you want to come in for some tea? (你要不要进来喝个茶呢?) B: No. I’m running late. I really need to hit the road.(不了。我快迟到了, 得上路了) “running late” 是快迟到了的意思。 “Hit the road” 的“hit”有「去」的意思。好比某人每周去健身房三次, 你就可以说 “He hits the gym three times a week.”。 “I really need to hit the road.” 还可以用说成”I really need to get going.”。

4. hang out 和朋友在一起 A: I don’t know what is going on lately. Jack seems to curse a lot these days. 不知道最近Jack怎么搞的。他经常口出恶言。 B: Well, that’s just what you get from hanging out with the wrong crowd. 嗯, 交错了朋友就是这样啊! “hang out” 是和朋友一起做一些事。看电影、逛街、聊天都算。也不限指异性朋友。 5. click (两人)合得来 I really like talking to her. I think we two really click. 我很喜欢和她说话。我觉得我们两个蛮合得来的。(以前只知道click the mouse,真是鼠目寸光啊!不过click 不一定用在异性之间。朋友之间的频率相同也可以用。) A: Do you want to come in for some tea? (你要不要进来喝个茶呢?) B: No. I’m running late. I really need to hit the road.(不了。我快迟到了, 得上路了) “running late” 是快迟到了的意思。 “Hit the road” 的“hit”有「去」的意思。好比某人每周去健身房三次, 你就可以说 “He hits the gym three times a week.”。 “I really need to hit the road.” 还可以用说成”I really need to get going.”。 6. Shoot! 说吧!; 有屁快放! A: I’ve got a question for you.我想请问你一个问题。 B: Shoot!说吧! “Shoot!” 除了当「说吧!」外, 很多女孩子也用它来代替 “.”, 因觉得后者听起来不雅。 7. Give it a shot! 试试看! A: It would be so cool if I can win this contest. I don’t think I’m good enough, though. 要是我可以赢了这项比赛的话会有多好。但我不认为自己够好。 B: Give it a shot! You’ll never know 试试看啊! 没试怎么会知道! 8. push around 驱使(某人) A. Gary, do you think you can rewrite this paper. I don’t really like the topic. Gary, 你想你是不是可以把这个报告重写一遍。我并不是很喜欢那个主题。 B: Hey, I’m only trying to help you out. You shouldn’t be pushing me around like this. 嘿! 我是在帮你忙耶! 你不应该这样指使我喔! 「把一个人推来推去」应该和「指使」很容易联想吧 9.catch some Zs小睡一下 A: Excuse me. I have to catch some Zs. 抱歉!我想小睡一下。B: I thought you just woke up. Sleepy head. 我以为你才刚睡醒。爱睡虫。漫画里的人睡觉,不是都画”Z,Z,Z…”来表示吗? 这里的 “catch some Zs” 就是这样来的。”I have tocatch some Zs.”也可以说”I have to take a nap.”或“I need to snooze.”。

10. brush off 不理; 默视 A: Have you talked to Mr. Lambert about Ian’s obscene speech towards you? 你跟Lambert 先生提过Ian 对你讲的猥亵的话吗? B: Yes, but he brushed it off as if it were not a big deal to him. 有! 但他轻轻带过(不理), 好象他觉得那并没有什么! “brush away(aside)” 也是「不理」的意思。如”He brushed aside our objection.”(他无视我们的反对)。 11. boss around 颐指气使A: Oh! No. I’ve got assigned to work with Marvin for our group project.噢! 不! 我被分配跟Marvin 一起做团体作业。B: Ooh! I heard that he love to boss people around. 唉呀! 我听说他很爱指使人的。“boss around” 和“push around” 都是「指使人」的意思。说一个人爱命令人也可以说”He is very bossy.”。

12. Oh, boy! 乖乖! 唉呀! 真是! A: Guess what? We first got a flat tire, and now my cell phone is dead. 你猜怎么了? 首先我门的车爆胎了, 现在我的行动电话又没电了。 B: Oh, boy! 唉! “flat tire” 是「爆胎」的意思」。“Oh, boy!”是美国人用的一种感叹表示词句。不必问他们为什么不说“Oh, girl” 还是别的,因为他们也不知道

13.spooky 玄; 可怕的 A: I had a dream last night that Keith and I had a big argument. This morning he came in wearing the same clothes he had on in my dream! 我昨晚梦见我Keith 大吵了一顿。今天早上, 他穿著和他昨晚在我梦里穿的一样的衣服进来。 B: That’s spooky! 真玄! “spooky” 就是一些所谓的鬼怪、太凑巧而令人觉得「恐怖」的意思。 14 Say cheese. (照相时)笑一个在咱是“茄子”,”cheese”异曲同工了。

15. eat 使困扰; 使不开心 A. What’s eating you? You’ve been so quiet all morning. 什么事让你不开心呢? 你整个早上都不说话。 B: I bombed in my final exam. 我的期末考砸了!“What’s eating you?”是个很常听到的俚语。当你觉得个人好象为某事所困扰, 以致整个人不大对劲, 就可以用这句话来问他,到底发生什么事了。“bomb” 是个很有意思的字, 因为可以表 示「完全的失败」, 也可以表示「作得很好」。要看当时的情形决定。 16. jazz (something) up 让(一件事物)变得有趣些 A: What do you think of this? 你觉得这怎么样? B: It’s kind of dead. Maybe you want to add more graphics to jazz it up.有点闷。也许你可以加点图让它变得生动有趣些。“jazz (something) up”是使一件原本可能有点沉闷的事变得有趣些。好比有人在一个冗长的会议里作些说些笑话之类的事, 企图让大家从昏迷中醒来, 就可以说”He tried to jazz the meeting up.” 17. My hands are tied 我无能为力 A: Mr. Chapman, can I hand in my homework next time. I left it at home. A: Chapman先生, 我能不能下次再交作业呢? 我把功课忘在家了。 B: All of the scores must be given to the office by Friday, so you must have your homework today. It is a school rule and there is nothing I can do. My hands are tied!.所有的分数都必须在礼拜五前交到办公室(学校), 所以你今天一定要有你的作业。这是学校的规定,我无能为力。“My hands are tied.” 在这里并不是真正「手被绑起来」的意思,而是指「没办法」的意思。好比电话响了,你很忙不能接, 也可以说:”Can you get it? My hand are tied.” (我很忙, 你能接一下吗?” 。 18. love handles 游泳圈、中广、胖的腰围 A: You’d better lose those love handles fast. I’m tired of having so much to hold on to. 你快把你的肥肚子减掉。我对老是有这么多(肥肉)在那里让我可以抓着觉得很烦。 B: I think I look fine, my dear. 亲爱的,我觉得我看起来很好啊! 上面的对话可能是一些太太会对发福的先生所讲的,这太太也毒了点吧?


★ 英语口语



