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哈佛允许部分学生秋季到校, 要求每三天测一次新冠病毒,今天小编给大家带来了哈佛允许部分学生秋季到校 ,希望可以帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

哈佛允许部分学生秋季到校 要求每三天测一次新冠病毒

Harvard will allow some students on campus this fall so long as they take coronavirus tests every 3 days

Harvard University is welcoming freshmen and some other students to campus this fall semester, but students will have to take coronavirus tests every three days, classes will be taught online and it won’t discount tuition, the school announced Monday.


Upperclassmen will be able to petition to return if they don’t have sufficient technology at home or have challenging family circumstances. The total percentage of undergraduates living on campus would be limited to around 40%.


"Assuming that we maintain 40% density in the spring semester, we would again bring back one class, and our priority at this time is to bring seniors to campus,” Harvard said. “Under this plan, first years would return home and learn remotely in the spring.” It expects to release a decision about the spring in early December.


Harvard is the latest school to announce its fall semester plans as coronavirus cases continue to spike in the US.


Harvard previously announced that all teaching would occur online. Today it also said tuition will not be discounted from $49,653, although students enrolled remotely won’t pay housing fees. The semester will begin as scheduled on Sept. 2, and all students living on campus will be expected to leave by Thanksgiving.


Students will have to undergo Covid-19 testing upon arrival and every three days afterward.


Anticipating that many students under this plan will not live on campus for any part of the upcoming academic year, Harvard will allow all enrolled undergraduates studying remotely for the entire year to take two courses on campus at the Harvard Summer School in 2021 with tuition waived.


Harvard’s plan is more restrictive than those of other universities that have been announcing their fall plans. Last week Yale University announced it would allow 60% of undergraduates to return to campus. Other Ivy League schools such as the University of Pennsylvania and Cornell University plan to reopen most of their residential halls and hold some in-person classes.


Princeton University also announced Monday it would bring freshmen and juniors to campus in the fall and sophomores and seniors in the spring, with Covid-19 testing upon arrival and “regularly thereafter.” Most classes would be remote. Rutgers University, also in New Jersey, announced Monday that its fall semester would feature a majority of remote classes and “extremely limited” on-campus housing.



Scientists investigate cases of post-Covid-19 fatigue

Most people experience Covid-19 as a short-term illness: once the infection has been fought off, they bounce back to health. But evidence is emerging of a significant minority – sometimes referred to as “long haulers” – who struggle with long-term symptoms for a month or longer.


Anecdotal reports have abounded of people left with fatigue, aching muscles and difficulty concentrating. Online support groups on Facebook and Slack have sprung up, already hosting thousands of members who say they have not got better.


Speaking to the BBC’s Andrew Marr Show on Sunday, Matt Hancock said it was difficult to gauge the scale of the problem. “This is a really serious problem for a minority of people who have Covid,” the health secretary said. “Some people have long-term effects that look like a post-viral fatigue syndrome.”


Scientists are only just beginning to investigate the potential causes of enduring fatigue, but say that there are likely to be a wide variety of reasons why some people face a longer road to recovery.


"Fatigue itself will take on lots of different guises,” said Chris Brightling, a professor of respiratory medicine at the University of Leicester, who is leading a newly announced £8.4m study of the long-term health impacts of Covid-19.


A report published in February by the World Health Organization, based on preliminary data, suggested that in mild cases the median recovery time from Covid-19 is roughly two weeks from the onset of symptoms, and in severe or critical cases about three to six weeks. However, some of those who appear to have only mild illness initially also end up wrestling with symptoms, including fatigue, that linger for weeks or months.


Those who have suffered severe illness in the acute phase, including admission to intensive care, typically experience muscle loss, which can result in direct physical fatigue. Others are left with lung damage, including scarring that can cause breathlessness, leaving people feeling tired. There are other physical effects that are less clearly understood – the disease is known to cause blood clots in the lungs and other parts of the body – and neurological symptoms ranging from stroke to mood disorders such as anxiety and depression.


"How common each of those things are, we simply don’t have good information,” said Brightling.


There is previous evidence linking Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) to infectious outbreaks, including Epstein-Barr virus and Q fever. A study of people infected during the 2003 Sars outbreak revealed that almost a third had a reduced tolerance to exercise many months later, despite having normal lung function.


Brightling’s study will track around 10,000 patients who were admitted to hospital with Covid-19. This will allow scientists to assess what proportion of patients end up with which long-term health impacts, and what the risk factors are for different symptoms. This could help pave the way to better treatments and medical support for those who are left struggling months after initially becoming ill.


Figuring out how Covid-19 triggers fatigue symptoms could also offer new insights into some of the ways that chronic fatigue can occur more generally. “One of the big challenges is that there’s so much that we don’t yet understand,” said Brightling. “People who specialise in fatigue are seeing people with multiple reasons why they’ve ended up at that point.”


In this case, he said, because the trigger for fatigue is known, there is a better chance of understanding what is happening in the body. “It gives you a way of trying to unravel that puzzle,” said Brightling.


美国说唱歌手“侃爷”宣布将竞选总统 这些明星也跟风

Kanye West again says he will run for president

US rapper Kanye West has said he is running for president, potentially pitting him against a man he says he admires, Donald Trump.


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"We must now realize the promise of America by trusting God, unifying our vision and building our future," he tweeted. "I am running for president of the United States!"


His wife Kim Kardashian West and entrepreneur Elon Musk endorsed him.


But it's unclear whether West is really running.


He does not appear to have registered his name with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) for November's election. The closest name the FEC database shows is a candidate called "Kanye Deez Nutz West", who filed their papers with the Green Party in 2015 and appears to have raised no money.


It is also not the first time West has claimed that he is running for the White House.


At the 2015 MTV Video Music Awards, he said he had decided to run for president in 2020.


But last November he pushed the date back, saying he would actually run in the 2024 contest.


"What are you laughing at?" he asked the crowd at Fast Company's Innovation Festival.


"We would have created so many jobs that I'm not gonna run, I'm gonna walk," he said, adding he was considering changing his name for the run to "Christian Genius Billionaire Kanye West".


In his tweet on Saturday, US Independence Day, West, 43, did not say if his supposed run would be affiliated with a particular political party.


In any case, contesting the nomination of one major parties would be impossible at this stage, with the election only four months away.


In order to appear on the ballot as an independent candidate, West would have to gather a certain amount of signatures and register in states by a particular deadline. The deadline has already passed in some major states but the music star would still technically have time to file in many others.


This year's contest is likely to be a straight battle between Republican President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden.


eIn 2018, West made a bizarre appearance at the White House with President Trump during which he wore a Make America Great Again hat and made an expletive-filled rant that Mr Trump described as "quite something".




"I love this guy right here," West said, walking behind the desk to hug the seated president, who said: "That's really nice."


eThe rapper also pushed back on the idea that African-Americans are overwhelmingly Democratic Party voters, saying: "People expect that if you're black, you have to be Democrat."


Kim Kardashian West retweeted her husband's statement about the presidential run with an American flag.


She has in recent years become a significant voice in the US movement for criminal justice reform and has successfully lobbied President Trump to release several prisoners.



继“侃爷”宣布竞选美国总统后,美国社交网站上掀起了“竞选总统热”,多位明星纷纷宣布参选,除了坎耶·韦斯特外,还有希拉里·达芙(Hilary Duff),Linkin Park的Mike Shinoda。


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