
Accounting Information Systems 15th Global Edition by Marshall B. Romney Solution manual

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USAA is a world leader in mobile banking. Customers can use their cell phones and other mobile devices to access and execute banking, investment, stock trading, and insurance applications such as filing claims. More than 70% of USAA’s logins are from cell phone users.
USAA was among the first financial institutions to use text and email  messaging and notification technologies, person-to-person payment applications, and social networking and personal financial management tools connected to bank accounts.
a.   Why should USAA collect data on which auto parts are fixed most frequently?  What could it do with this data?</para></listitem>
         Companies should gather and store data if the benefits received from the data are greater than the cost of collecting it.  The data regarding the auto parts that get fixed most frequently is probably not costly to gather.  It would probably be part of the claims information submitted by the insured parties.  Therefore, the only significant cost would be to store the data and process it.
         USAA passes the data on the parts to parts manufacturers, suppliers, and the Big Three automobile manufacturers.  These companies use the data to improve their parts.  Some use the data to determine which new products to offer.  For example, one supplier may see that other suppliers are producing low quality products and determine that they could produce a better product for the same or a lower price.
b.   Even though USAA offered to waive the deductible, the repair shops still managed to convince 95% of the owners to replace rather than repair their damaged windshields.  How could USAA use its AIS to persuade more shop owners to repair rather than replace their windshields?</para></listitem>
         USAA began capturing data on the repair records of the various shops that worked for them.  They published this information in the newsletter sent to repair shops.  The shops noticed how they compared to other shops and began repairing more windshields.  Over a four-year period, the number of repaired windshields rose from 5% to 28%.
How does the image-processing system at USAA add value to the organization?
The system adds value by streamlining business processes and making them more effective and efficient.  Before the image-processing system was installed, policy service representatives had to work with paper documents.  Customer files were often missing or incomplete and documents were misfiled.  The result was delays, multiple phone calls, and an inability to bring problems to timely closure.  Now the documents are never missing or misplaced and service representatives have all the information they need to make a decision on the first phone call.
How do the remote deposit capture and mobile banking system at USAA add value to the organization?
USSA’s customers are widely scattered and USAA does not have local offices everywhere there are military personnel.  In addition, military personnel also are deployed in areas where they have ready access to cell phones but not personal computers.  Therefore, USAA needs a way to deposit funds on a timely basis and to interact by phones that are able to access the internet.  The new applications meet these needs. 
Do an Internet search and find out what other advancements USAA has introduced.  For example, see if you can find out how USAA is using artificial intelligence, data analytics, blockchain, or so other emerging technology. Write a one-page report on each new application or other newsworthy item you find (maximum limit of three applications or items). 
Students should be able to find numerous applications or newsworthy items.  The objective is to get the students to do the research necessary to learn more about new technologies and their real world uses.  Of particular interest is the use of artificial intelligence, data analytics, and blockchain.
Full download link: https://reurl.cc/QbZmE9
1.4    Match the description in the right column with the correct information characteristic in the left column. 
I    1. Access restricteda. A report was carefully designed so that its data was easily comprehended by the reader.
E   2. Accurateb. A manager working on the weekend needed information about a customer’s production requests and found it on the company’s network.



