
Entrepreneurial Small Business 6th Edition by Jerome Katz solution manual

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Teaching Tip:  Ask students to think for a few minutes of all the small businesses they know.  You may want to prod them a bit by listing categories – restaurants, dry cleaners, franchises, gas stations, independent retailers, professional services such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc.  Then ask them how many small business closures they can recall.  Remind them that business close for a number of reasons rather than failure – retirements, sell-offs, etc.
  文本框: Teaching Tip:  Ask students to think for a few minutes of all the small businesses they know.  You may want to prod them a bit by listing categories – restaurants, dry cleaners, franchises, gas stations, independent retailers, professional services such as doctors, lawyers, accountants, etc.  Then ask them how many small business closures they can recall.  Remind them that business close for a number of reasons rather than failure – retirements, sell-offs, etc.

< >Students (or moms or some other group) don’t have the skills to start a businessStudents already know what other students want/need which can lead to a retail business with a student market.Students have skills that they may not have considered using – creating websites or programming.Not only students but “mompreneurs” or “second career" entrepreneurs bring certain skill set to a small business.
Teaching Tip:  Most students have an idea – or several ideas – that they hope to eventually use.  Ask for a show of hands as to how many are service oriented and how many are product oriented.  Note:  you may wish to discuss the notion of product/service briefly here to assist students with hybrid ideas such as a restaurant; this concept is discussed further in Chapter 9 the text. Of those thinking about a product, ask if it is their product itself or how they will meet the customer’s needs thorough customer service, distribution or other means that will set them apart from the competition.
  文本框: Teaching Tip:  Most students have an idea – or several ideas – that they hope to eventually use.  Ask for a show of hands as to how many are service oriented and how many are product oriented.  Note:  you may wish to discuss the notion of product/service briefly here to assist students with hybrid ideas such as a restaurant; this concept is discussed further in Chapter 9 the text. Of those thinking about a product, ask if it is their product itself or how they will meet the customer’s needs thorough customer service, distribution or other means that will set them apart from the competition.

< >Ninety percent of all new businesses fail within two yearsThis statement is wrong in two major ways.69% of businesses are still going after two years, 51% at 5 years, 34% at ten years and 25% at 15 years.Closing a business is not a business failure.  Only about one out of three was financially unsuccessful.
Learn More Online
SBA’s Small Business FAQs: sba.gov/advocacy/frequently-asked-questions-about-small-business
SBA’s Small Business Finance FAQs: sba.gov/sites/default/files/Finance-FAQ-2016_WEB.pdf
Google search for reviews of free website companies: google.com/search?q=free+websites+builder&amp;oq=free+websites+builder
