
Canadian Business Law Today 1st Canadian Edition By Nancy Breen Solution manual

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Chapter Commentary
The law shapes many aspects of our daily lives and it is a good beginning for this textbook to discuss with students what they think about how the law influences our day-to-day lives and society in general.   Students may give examples from their personal lives on how the law has affected them or someone they know. 
In the chapter opener, the focus is on information and the sharing of information.  Students should understand the importance of documentation and records to a business; that an employee has a personal responsibility to protect an organization’s information, just as the organization has a responsibility to protect an employee’s information.  Discussions surrounding a business’s privacy policy and what it should entail allows the student to think about their conduct when employed.
As a theme throughout the textbook, risk management is always present for class discussion.  As stated above, the importance of understanding the law in order to prevent legal battles down the road as well as the importance of ethical behavior can be focused on.
It is great when students understand the types of law, the sources of law and the areas of law in order to gain an understanding of what they need to know as a business person.  Of particular attention, a concentration on administrative law and how it influences business decisions is helpful.  Have students understand the ease in obtaining the regulations and ‘rules’ of their industry and the importance of that knowledge in helping them in the future.  A fun and interesting segment for discussion is on white collar crimes.  With so many television shows like Suits, White Collar, and The Good Wife, just to name a few, students will have plenty of examples of white collar crimes!
Naturally, how laws are made is an important part of understanding our legal system.  By going through the chart found in Figure 1.2, students will see how a federal law is made and by visiting their respective provincial justice websites, information can be obtained on how provincial laws are made.
The court system for each province is somewhat complex in that there are several levels of courts that deal with different issues.  It is important to review your provincial or territorial (and other provinces too!) court system for the names of the superior courts.  At a federal level, an understanding of the Federal Court and Supreme Court is important. 
The concept of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) will provide solid conversations on when and why a person or business would use it.   You can stress that business people should always look at ADR as a way to resolve an issue.
Discussion Forum Topics
Increasingly discussion forums are being incorporated into courses to foster discussion between students that expand or augment that which has already taken place in class.
The following are suggested discussion board topics for this chapter, along with a suggested establishing paragraph.
For some ground rules on online discussion forums at the post-secondary level, we refer you to the following website:
You are required to make at least two thought-provoking postings each week to help facilitate the discussion. We hope this will ensure a lively discussion.
Please remember this is not a writing assignment but a conversation, please be respectful of the opinions of others.
1.    Business Law happens all around us.  Please start any discussion you like about current events occurring in the area of business law.
2.    Information about Business Law is readily available online.  Find and post a link that you think is useful for finding and understanding Business Law.  What about this site makes it useful?
3.    Watch the following video:
What challenges does the speaker claim that businesses face from the law?  Discuss whether his three requirements could be applied to Canadian law.
4.    From this Chapter , I want you to discuss the following questions:

a.      What is the most important thing you learned and;
b.      What is the most challenging concept you learned in this section.
