
Canadian Business Law Today 1st Canadian Edition By Nancy Breen Solution manual

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Tables will vary but should provide the main points of both 1867 and 1982.
  1. Individually, or in a small group, create a hypothetical case where:
  1. A businessperson is charged under the Criminal Code of Canada
  2. A business is sued under the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
  3. A business is sued in a civil litigation matter
In each of the above, outline the “facts” of the case and how it would proceed.
Cases will vary by person or group.
  1. Research the Federal Court of Canada and discuss what it is and the types of cases it hears.
Case should focus on issues dealing with immigration and taxation at a minimum.
  1. Look in local, regional, and national newspapers to find an article about a case of significance to that area or the country. Discuss this with your classmates.
Cases will vary.
  1. Research the various situations where two parties might decide on ADR.
Students should report on situations where the issues are minimal and the groups are amicable to a resolution.
  1. Describe the purpose behind a company developing a privacy policy and list five key elements that you believe should be included in that policy.
Students should indicate the importance of creating rules so that employees are ‘on the same page’ and that individuals will not make personal decisions about privacy.Answers will vary regarding key elements.
  1. Your company’s chief financial officer, whom you report to, has asked you to revise the production numbers for the past month so the financial statements will look better for the shareholders’ meeting. You recently bought a house and don’t want to lose your job, but you are not comfortable falsifying the numbers. What are the steps you might take in dealing with this situation?
Answers will vary but should include a discussion on ethics and legal responsibilities. Some of the steps students might suggest are:

  • asking the chief financial officer to clarify what you are being asked to do in terms of revising the numbers,
  • indicate your discomfort with what is being requested, 
  • checking if the company has a whistle blower policy that protects the anonymity of the person providing the information,
  • speaking to the chief executive officer or president of the company,
  • speaking with a member of the audit committee of the board of directors if there is one, or, if not, with a member of the board of directors,
  • in the event the revisions constitute fraud, then, as a last resort, the fraud division of the local law enforcement agency,
  • keep a personal diary or memo recording the original request and each step taken and individual that you have spoken to and their response.
Case #1
Monty and Karen are opening a natural food store in the upcoming year.  They are currently working through their business plan but now must decide what steps they need to take regarding their legal responsibilities in opening such a business in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.  You have just been hired by Monty and Karen and because you have taken a business law course, they are looking to you to provide some information and research on what steps should be taken before seeking legal advice, hoping to save some dollars.
When they say to you, legal responsibilities, what does that mean?  What kind of research should you do to help them?  How would you divide up the different areas of law that they should consider?  Are there any specific statutes that they need to know about?  In the training of their staff, are there any regulations that need to be addressed? (LO 1.5)
Answers will vary.
Case #2
Elaine operated a business selling body lotions and creams. She would often display her products on tables set up on the sidewalk immediately in front of her store. To make her products more visible, she had strong floodlights attached to the top of the storefront, which automatically came on when it began to get dark and were used to illuminate the tables on the sidewalk. On a Tuesday afternoon it began suddenly to get dark and rain lightly, but Elaine was busy inside the store and did not have an opportunity to get out and cover the tables on the sidewalk.
