
Global Business Today: Asia-Pacific Perspective 5th edition by Charles W. L. Hill Solution manual

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  1. A company may enter a new market, but sometimes it is difficult to stay a winner. Kaihara is still in a good position in the denim market. How does it sustain its competency?
It has a vertically integrated production system with data-based control that enables proposal-based sales. It has been improved and is improving this core knowledge to be a good partner of the customers. Kaihara maintains its competency by adopting a long-term thinking approach in people and manufacturing facilities: multi-skilling of employees, willingness to learn from customers, using data science to evaluate methods of production quality, siting factory in an emerging market that demands high quality denim.
Teaching tip: Kaihara’s partnership with Uniqlo and manufacturing process is discussed here. Visit: www.uniqlo.com/us/en/news/topics/2017011802/
Teaching Tip: Kaihara’s history is presented here. Visit: www.kaihara-denim.com/en/story/


VIII. Closing Case Analysis: Global innovation through the mobility of ideas and talent

The closing case uses the technology start-up company Zinemath cPlc to discuss global innovation through the international movement of ideas and people. In today’s global innovation system, international education, collaboration, recruitment of talents and entrepreneurship lead the sharing of ideas to create new technologies and products. Under the leadership of Dr Ferenc Birloni, the chief technology officer of Zinemath cPlc, the company successfully diversified its product offering, and collaborated with both domestic and overseas partners. The case also discusses the importance of developing global social networks through international exhibitions and trade shows.
Suggested discussion questions
1. Dr Ferenc Birloni, CTO of Zinemath, successfully drove the company’s diversification and technology development efforts. It is now time to generate revenue. How would you recommend expanding into the global market to the new management of Zinemath? How would you suggest they identify and realise the potential revenue streams globally?
  • Conduct a systematic analysis of potential use cases
  • Identify preferred global locations to enter
  • Seek collaboration opportunities with partners who can utilise the technology. With the emergence of AR use in Asia, entertainment giants like Sony and Pixar may be very keen on collaboration.
2. The owner and chairman of the largest investor in Zinemath have a portfolio of online content provider businesses. How would you recommend linking the newly developed medical product line, zMed, with their strategic investment portfolio in online content provision, globally? What opportunities do you think the Asia-Pacific region holds for them?
  • Video conferencing and telephony augmentation
  • Low cost cinematography and television solutions for large movie industries, e.g. India and Thailand
  • Remote medical services—virtual doctor–patient interaction
3. Zinemath has grown substantially since its foundation in 2012, and with EU funding might have a shot at conquering global markets. How would you recommend the founders seek further investment to build their capabilities using their global networks?
  • Technology focused private investors, such as venture capital sources from for example China
  • Stock exchange introductions in Shanghai, Singapore, Sydney or Tokyo
  • Further government support for technology development in the APAC region, in exchange for relocating the company for example.
4. How would you recommend the new CTO goes about technology development, with the opportunities opening up in the Asia-Pacific region, in terms of talent, markets and collaboration opportunities?
  • Presence at Asian trade shows
  • Trade missions and visits in Asia-Pacific countries
  • Targeted networking through business associations and government agencies interested in investment and trade promotion





