
Essentials of Business Communication 11th Edition by Mary Ellen Guffey Solution manual

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1.15 Intercultural Communication: Negotiating Diversity in Job Interviews (L.O. 4, 5)
Role-playing relies on a solid knowledge of the workplace and interviewing techniques. If role-playing is too advanced for students, a discussion of differences between the interviewer and interviewee and how they could be bridged might be productive. In the first example, students should recognize the preconceived notions that come with gender expectations. A female boss interviewing a male assistant is still in a minority.
  1. Students should recognize that explicit references to gender roles would be inappropriate and that the sex of the applicant has no bearing on the qualifications for the job.
  2. Any questions about the candidate’s national origin should be avoided unless the interviewee volunteers such information. If the accent does not hinder communication, only the skills, experience, and ability of the candidate should be considered.
  3. In the last decade, turbans and other religious symbols have been perceived negatively because some Americans associate them with radical Muslims and even terrorists. Yet in a job interview, turbans and other forms of religious garb should not be addressed, nor should they be considered relevant to the hiring decision.
  4. Age discrimination against people over forty is outlawed in the United States. Any question making age a factor in the hiring process would be illegal and should be avoided. Questions should be kept relevant, referring solely to the requirements of the job posting.
  5. Disability cannot and should not be used against the candidate applying for the job. The interviewer could put the candidate at ease by extending common courtesy to him or her and making sure to speak with the person at eye level. Patronizing behavior should be avoided.

Communication Workshop: Technology
Exploring Career Prospects in Your Field With LinkedIn
This first Communication Workshop encourages students to visit LinkedIn and potentially similar social media networks and job boards, such as Indeed or CareerBuilder. The goal is to motivate students early in the semester to recognize the value of this course in developing the communication skills that many job placement advertisements require.
Students should become familiar with using Internet job-search tools, LinkedIn in particular. This activity takes them through the steps of locating positions in their career fields. They should find three advertisements and print them. They should analyze the skills required, tasks to be performed, and salary ranges for the listed jobs. You may ask them to discuss these findings in groups or submit them in a report.
Alternatively, student teams could be asked to examine other popular job boards, such as CollegeGrad and Monster. Besides the largest professional networking site, LinkedIn, Glassdoor is potentially eye-opening as it offers accurate salary estimates and anonymous reviews from within organizations, written by current or former employees.
Because students sometimes need gentle nudging to go beyond what is assigned, direct them to LinkedIn’s Learning tab; Monster’s Resumes, Jobs, and Career Resources links, which offer a wealth of job-related information; or the popular iPQ Career Planner app. A simple Google search yields links to websites and news articles that also provide job-seeking advice. 




