
Supervision: Concepts and Skill Building 10th Edition by Samuel Certo Solution manual

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Emma should learn about her subordinates. To get to know them, she can talk to her own manager and read performance appraisals, but the most reliable sources of information are the subordinates themselves. She should take time to discuss goals with her subordinates and observe their work habits.
With regard to the co-worker who did not get the manager’s job, she can acknowledge the co-worker’s feelings, ask for the co-worker’s support, and discuss his or her long-term goals.
  1. What are some ways a new supervisor can use power and authority effectively?
To acquire power upon assuming the job of supervisor, the new supervisor should ask his or her boss make an official announcement of the promotion at a meeting of the employees. There the supervisor can take the opportunity to state his or her expectations, desire to work as a team, and interest in hearing about work-related problems.
A new supervisor should not rush to make changes in the department but instead should first understand how the department works and what employees expect. Making changes quickly and without seeking their input can alienate employees and put them on the defensive. The supervisor can build support for change by introducing it gradually after inviting suggestions when appropriate.
  1. List the characteristics of a good supervisor. In addition to the characteristics mentioned in the chapter, add any others you believe are important. Draw on your own experiences as an employee and/or supervisor.
A good supervisor has a positive attitude, is loyal, is fair, is a good communicator, and is able to delegate.
Student answers may vary.
IV. Skill-Building
Meeting the Challenge
This exercise asks students to reflect back to the opening case concerning the supervision of remote workers.  The exercise asks students to consider any work experiences they may already have had or would like to have.
The students are asked if they would enjoy working remotely, away from supervisor’s eyes, or would they rather be on site, making daily connections with coworkers and people in other parts of the organization.
Students should form groups and within the groups form two teams, one in favor of working remotely and one in favor of working on site.  Each group should come up with a list of five actions they would like their supervisor to take on a regular basis.  Compare lists.  If they are very different, discuss why.
Problem-Solving Case: Refereeing the Referees of the Atlantic Coast Conference
Suggested Answers to Case
  1. Which supervisory skills would be most important to you in this situation and why?
Answers will vary but may include: human relations skills in handling questions from referees and coaches, and in conducting training meetings and performance appraisals. Critical to carrying out these tasks are technical expertise and decision-making skills. Planning work schedules is a conceptual skill.
  1. What types of responsibilities does Clougherty undertake?
Clougherty keeps his staff informed and up to date, is accessible to those under his supervision, conducts evaluations of the referee’s progress, keeps in touch with his industry, is able to perform the duties of those he supervises, follows proper hiring practices, knows the law as it applies to his job, and adheres to the workplace rules and regulations.
  1. How important do you think Clougherty’s experience as a referee was in preparing him to be a supervisor? Other than that work experience, what experiences and qualities do you think would be important for someone to succeed in Clougherty’s job? Do those experiences and qualities apply to most supervisory jobs?
Clougherty’s experience is vital to his preparation in his role as a supervisor over ACC’s officials. The case suggests that Clougherty is fair and is also a good communicator. Other important qualities that would be important for someone to succeed in Clougherty’s job would include a positive attitude, loyalty, the ability to delegate, and the desire for the job. Experiences and these qualities apply to most if not all supervisory jobs.
Assessing Yourself: Is Supervising Right for You?
This self-quiz lists a few questions that will help students understand if supervising is right for them. Ask them to give themselves 1 point for each “Yes” as the answer. If they score 6 or more, it indicates that they might be happy as a supervisor.
