
Supervision: Concepts and Skill Building 10th Edition by Samuel Certo Solution manual

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Class Skills Exercise: Recognizing Management Skills
This class exercise consists of different situations where students are asked to identify which management function would they rely on in each situation.
  1. Leading and Controlling
  2. Staffing and Controlling
  3. Planning, Organizing, and Controlling
  4. Planning
  5. Leading and Controlling
Building Supervision Skills: Defining Your Role as Supervisor
This exercise can be used in one of the following ways:
  1. As a pre-class assignment that students bring to class, completed and ready to discuss.
  2. As an in-class exercise used at an appropriate point in the discussion to get the students involved in understanding the five supervisory functions.
  1. Apply supervisory function definitions to supervisory situations.
  2. Understand how the supervisory functions relate to one another and often overlap.
  1. P (determining how to meet goals)
L (getting employees to do what is expected of them)
O (assigning work)
C (monitoring performance and making needed corrections)
  1. S (developing employees will be a priority with this group)
L (looks like it will be a challenge to get these employees to do what is expected of them)
C (monitoring performance babysitting)
  1. S (developing Andy)
  2. P (setting a goal of implementing the change and determining how to make the change)
O (deciding who will do what to make the change work)
L (getting the employees to accept the change)
  1. P (determining budget needs)
  2. S (finding quality employees)
C (monitoring performance of new hire and making needed corrections--discipline and eventually discharge)
Building Supervision Skills: Leading a Team
  1. Technical, conceptual
  2. Technical, human relations
  3. Technical, conceptual, decision making
Manager’s Hot Seat Video Case Answers:
“Virtual Workplace: Out of the Office Reply”
  1. The characteristics of a successful supervisor are (a) a positive attitude, (b) loyalty, (c) fairness, (d) good communication, (e) the ability to delegate tasks, and (f) enjoyment of the job. How does Ralph specifically show (or not show) each of these qualities in the meetings he has with Angela?
(a) Positive attitude: Ralph stays level-headed during his meetings with Angela.
(b) Loyalty: Ralph emphasizes how long they have worked together.
(c) Fairness: Ralph gives Angela ample time to improve her performance, and lets her know that her performance has to show an upward trend.
(d) Good communication: Ralph clearly communicates the problems that he faces with Angela’s performance, and his expectations about her foreseeable future.
(e) Ability to delegate tasks: Ralph specifically tells Angela that he has given her tasks that he knows she can perform.
  1. Refer to Table 1.2. Which responsibilities of a supervisor does Ralph exhibit? Which others could he have integrated that would have added to a positive outcome throughout the whole situation?
Ralph adheres to most of the responsibilities, but it seems he could have been more available to Angela when she had questions (she mentions that he has not been). At some point, he could let Angela give him an evaluation so as to see how he has been as a supervisor; he did not have much of a sense of humor, although in the situation, it might not have made much of a difference.
  1. If you had been Ralph, what would you have handled differently in setting up the work situation? Could you have avoided the problem issues with Angela? How?
Students’ answers will vary.
“Listening Skills: Yeah, Whatever”



