
Managing Customer Experience and Relationships: A Strategic Framework 3rd Edition by Don Peppers Tes

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Managing Customer Experience and Relationships:

A Strategic Framework

Third Edition


Don Peppers and Martha Rogers


SAMPLE Test Questions

Chapter 1: Evolution of Relationships with Customers and Strategic Customer Experiences
Multiple choice: For the following questions, choose the best answer.
  1. “Customer strategy” is: (pp. 3–5)
    1. the capability of matching customers and messaging in any medium, whether traditional or digital
    2. finding customers for the products a company produces
    3. creating customer value by increasing the value of the customer base
    4. creating customer campaigns that win market share
  1. Customer relationship management (CRM) is best characterized as: (pp. 5–6)
    1. an enterprise-wide strategy
    2. a marketing strategy
    3. a customer service discipline
    4. a software program
    5. any of the above
  1. For “Industrial Age” companies, competitive advantage is primarily based on: (pp. 3–4)
    1. product innovation
    2. brands
    3. customer information
    4. a and b
  1. For “Interactive Age” companies, competitive advantage is primarily based on: (pp. 4–5)
    1. product innovation
    2. brands
    3. customer information
    4. a and b
  1. Examples of customer-specific behaviors include all of the following except: (pp. 6–9)
    1. Fans of a product band together on social networking sites and provide service and recommendations to others.
    2. A supervisor orders more computer components by going to a Web page that displays his firm’s contract terms, his own spending to date, and his departmental authorizations.
    3. A marketing copywriter develops a brochure aimed toward thirtysomething suburban mothers and mails it out to all who fit that specific profile.
    4. A car-rental customer rents a car without having to complete another reservation profile.
  1. Analytical CRM includes the following: (p. 9)
    1. strategic planning
    2. cultural change management
    3. software installations
    4. measuring change management
  1. Traditional marketing’s “four Ps” apply to which part of the “get, keep, and grow” customer strategy? (pp. 10–13)
    1. get
    2. keep
    3. grow
    4. a and b
  1. According to Philip Kotler, the following shifts have occurred as companies move from mass marketing to customer-focused marketing except: (pp. 12–14)
    1. from market share to share of customer
    2. from direct contact with end users to reliance on efficient intermediaries
