
Project Management: A Strategic Managerial Approach 10th Edition by Jack R. Meredith test bank

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Level: Easy
Bloom’s: Comprehension
AACSB: Communication
Page: 4
14. There are three characteristics that all projects share. Which of the following is not one of those characteristics?
a) The project is unique
b) The project is a one-time occurrence
c) The outcome of the project may change over time
d) The project has a finite duration
Ans: c
Section Reference:
AACSB: Analysis
Page: 4-5
15. Projects often interact with other projects being carried out simultaneously within the organization and these interactions take the form of competition for scarce resources between projects. This is an example of project __________.
a) bottleneck
b) breakdown
c) interdependencies
d) malfunctioning
Ans: c
Section Reference: 1.1 The Definition of a “Project”
Level: Intermediate
Bloom’s: Knowledge
AACSB: Analysis
Page: 5
16. An important implication of the project life cycle concept is that a project will resist __________ of its existence.
a) termination
b) completion
c) extending
d) logging
Ans: a
Section Reference: 1.1 The Definition of a “Project”
Level: Easy
Bloom’s: Knowledge
AACSB: Analysis
Page: 5
17. Which of the following is not a likely attribute of quasi-projects?
a) lack of specificity in the project objective
b) a designated team working on the project
c) undefined performance parameters
d) limited scope and budget
Ans: d
Section reference: 1.1 The Definition of a “Project”
Level: Easy
Bloom’s: Application
AACSB: Analysis
Page: 6
18. The project to construct a highway is unique because __________.
a) the characteristics of terrain will be different for different segments.
b) consistency of the concrete will vary for different segments.
c) different types of laborers will be used to build various segments of the highway.
d) different people manage different sections of the highway.
Ans: a
Section Reference: 1.1 The Definition of a “Project”
Level: advanced
Bloom’s: Analysis
AACSB: Analysis
Page: 6
19. The production of weekly employment reports or the delivery of mail could be considered a(n)
a) project
b) non-project
c) quasi-projects
d) triple projects
Ans: b
Section Reference: 1.1 The Definition of a “Project”
Level: Easy
Bloom’s: Knowledge
AACSB: Communication
Page: 6
20. Individuals or groups with a special interest in a project are called __________.
a) stakeholders
b) project managers
c) leaders
d) directors
Ans: a
Section Reference: 1.1 The Definition of a “Project”
Level: Easy
Bloom’s: Knowledge
AACSB: Communication
Page: 6
21. Relations between organizational functions, where one function or task is dependent on others, are known as __________.
a) interdependencies
b) links
c) projects
d) tasks
Ans: a
Section Reference: 1.1 The Definition of a “Project”
Level: Easy
Bloom’s: Knowledge
AACSB: Analysis
Page: 7
22. The authors identify three forces that combine to mandate the use of teams to solve problems. Identify the force that the authors did not name.
a) Explosion in the growth of certified project managers
b) Worldwide acceptance of the Project Management Institute
c) Interaction of supply and demand
d) Evolution of worldwide competitive markets for the production and consumption of goods and services
Ans: d
Section reference: Introduction
Learning Objective: 1.1
Level: Easy
Bloom’s: Comprehension
AACSB: Analysis
Page: 9
23. Who, according to the authors, has played a significant role in the development of techniques for project management?
a) European navigators
b) Trader community
c) Brokerage firms
d) The military
Ans: d
Section reference: 1.1 The Definition of a “Project”
Level: Easy
Bloom’s: Comprehension
AACSB: Analysis
Page: 9
24. The ___________________ is a project management organization headquartered in the United Kingdom, which started in the early 1970s and serves all of Europe.
a) PMI
b) APM
Ans: b
Section Reference: 1.2 Why Project Management
Level: Easy
Bloom’s: Knowledge
AACSB: Communication
Page: 12
25. The organization that has the responsibility for maintaining and publishing The PMBOK Guidebook is the



