
Human Resource Management 15th edition by Gary Dessler test bank

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Chapter:  1
Objective:  3
AACSB:  Analytical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  1.2 Briefly discuss and illustrate each of the important trends influencing human resource management.
77) ________ involves using statistical techniques, algorithms, and problem-solving to identify relationships among data for the purpose of solving particular problems.
A) Data analytics
B) Social media
C) Cloud computing
D) Gaming
Answer:  A
Explanation:  A) Data analytics is using statistical techniques, algorithms, and problem-solving to identify relationships among data for the purpose of solving particular problems.
Difficulty:  Moderate
Chapter:  1
Objective:  2
AACSB:  Analytical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  1.2 Briefly discuss and illustrate each of the important trends influencing human resource management.
78) In the next few years, almost all the new jobs added in the United States will be in goods-producing industries.
Answer:  FALSE
Explanation:  In the US the next few years, almost all the new jobs added will be in services, not in goods-producing industries.
Difficulty:  Easy
Chapter:  1
Objective:  2
AACSB:  Analytical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  1.2 Briefly discuss and illustrate each of the important trends influencing human resource management.
79) According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, between now and 2022 the number of workers classified as "white, non-Hispanic" will decrease, and the number of workers classified as Asian will increase.
Answer:  TRUE
Explanation:  The number of workers classified as "white, non-Hispanic" is expected to decrease by 2022. The workforce will see an increase in the number of Asian, Hispanic, and African-American workers according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Difficulty:  Easy
Chapter:  1
Objective:  2
AACSB:  Analytical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  1.2 Briefly discuss and illustrate each of the important trends influencing human resource management.
80) As baby boomers retire from the workforce, there will be more people entering the labor pool than leaving it.
Answer:  FALSE
Explanation:  Many human resource professionals call "the aging workforce" the biggest demographic trend affecting employers. The basic problem is that there aren't enough younger workers to replace the projected number of baby boom era older-worker retirees.
Difficulty:  Easy
Chapter:  1
Objective:  2
AACSB:  Analytical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  1.2 Briefly discuss and illustrate each of the important trends influencing human resource management.

81) On-demand workers are freelancers and independent contractors who work when they can, on what they want to work on, and when the company needs them.
Answer:  TRUE
Explanation:  On-demand workers, like those at Uber, are freelancers and independent contractors who work when they can on what they want to work on, when the company needs them.
Difficulty:  Easy
Chapter:  1
Objective:  2
AACSB:  Analytical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  1.2 Briefly discuss and illustrate each of the important trends influencing human resource management.
82) Cloud computing basically means using statistical techniques, algorithms, and problem-solving to identify relationships among data for the purpose of solving particular problems.
Answer:  FALSE
Explanation:  Data analytics means using statistical techniques, algorithms, and problem-solving to identify relationships among data for the purpose of solving particular problems.
Difficulty:  Moderate
Chapter:  1
Objective:  2
AACSB:  Analytical Thinking
Learning Outcome:  1.2 Briefly discuss and illustrate each of the important trends influencing human resource management.

83) In what way has technology changed human resources management? Discuss at least 3 technologies that have had an impact.
Answer:  Five main types of digital technologies are driving this transfer of functionality from HR professionals to automation. Employers increasingly use social media tools such as Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn (rather than, say, as many employment agencies) to recruit new employees. Employers use new mobile applications, for instance, to monitor employee location and to provide digital photos at the facility clock-in location to identify workers. The feedback, fun, and objectives inherent in gaming support many new training applications, and Web sites such as Knack, Gild, and True Office enable employers to inject gaming features into training, performance appraisal, and recruiting. Cloud computing and more intuitive user interfaces enable employers to monitor and report on things like a team's goal attainment and to provide real-time evaluative feedback. Finally, data analytics basically means using statistical techniques, algorithms, and problem-solving to identify relationships among data for the purpose of solving particular problems (such as what are the ideal candidate's traits, or how can I tell in advance which of my best employees is likely to quit?) When applied to human resource management, data analytics is called talent analytics.



