
Survey of Accounting 6th edition by Thomas Edmonds solution manual

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(2) Investing activities - include cash received or spent by the business on productive assets used in the business, and investments in debt or equity of other companies.
(3)    Financing activities - include cash inflows and outflows from the company's transactions with its owners and inflows and outflows from its borrowing activities.
31.     Asset accounts are arranged on the balance sheet in accordance with their level of liquidity (those that can be most quickly converted to cash are listed first).
32.     Articulation refers to the interrelationships among the various elements of the financial statements.
33.     Temporary accounts are used to capture information for a single accounting period.  The balances in temporary accounts are transferred out of the accounts at the end of the accounting period.  Temporary accounts have zero balances at the beginning of an accounting period.  Temporary accounts include revenue accounts, expense accounts and dividends.  Permanent accounts carry over from one accounting period to the next.  Retained Earnings is a permanent account. 
34.     The historical cost concept requires that most assets be reported at the amount paid for them regardless of their increase or decrease in value.  It is related to the qualitative characteristic of verifiability in that information can be independently verified.  The historical cost is verified, while a change in value is subjective.

35.     An asset source transaction results in an increase in an asset account and an increase in one of the claims accounts; i.e., investments by owners (equity), borrowing funds from creditors (liabilities), or earnings activities (revenue).
An asset use transaction results in a decrease in an asset account and a decrease in either liabilities or equity; i.e., the payment of a liability, the payment of an expense, or a dividend.
An asset exchange transaction is a transaction in which one asset is exchanged for another; i.e., purchase of land with cash.
      A claims exchange transaction will be covered in a later chapter.
36.     While the contents of annual reports vary from company to company, all annual reports contain:
      Management’s discussion and analysis (MD&A)
      Financial statements
      Notes to the financial statements  
      Auditor’s report
U.S. GAAP, generally accepted accounting principles in the United States, are the measurement rules established by the (FASB) Financial Accounting Standards Board. The FASB is a privately funded organization with the primary authority for establishing accounting standards in the United States.  International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) are issued by the International Accounting Standards Board and are an attempt to set a common standard to be used in different countries.  IFRS is used by global companies and there is a move underway to merge GAAP and IFRS.



