
Human Resources Management in Canada Canadian 15th edition by Gary Dessler Test bank

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72. The HR audit of an organization found that visible minorities were more likely to have jobs identified as data entry jobs with low pay. In comparison, jobs that were identified as information management jobs with higher pay has significantly fewer visible minorities, although the two jobs shared a lot of the same core tasks and skills. What is this an example of?
A) occupational segregation
B) allyship
C) affirmative action
D) occupational silos
E) job stratification
QuestionID: 01-72
Objective: 1.5—Discuss the internal and external environmental factors affecting HRM policies and practices, and explain their impact.
Answer: A) occupational segregation
73. Gurdeep works in a lab at a Medical Center. Gurdeep is hired on a contract under a company name he registered (as the sole employee in the company). The Medical Center controls what work is done, where it is done and evaluates his performance. They also pay him directly. Therefore, the work that he is completing is deemed to be contract work and he does not have rights under any other employment relationship or considerations.
a True
b False
QuestionID: 01-73
Objective: 1.5—Discuss the internal and external environmental factors affecting HRM policies and practices, and explain their impact.
Answer: b. False




