
Human Resources Management in Canada Canadian 15th edition by Gary Dessler Test bank

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D) HR executives and HR professionals
E) The CEO (or equivalent) and HR professionals
QuestionID: 01-66
Objective: 1.1—Define what human resources management [HRM] is and analyze how it relates to the management process and non-HR managers.
Answer: A) Line managers and HR professionals
67. Which of the following is the best example of crowdsourcing for recruitment?
A) A company asks current employees for names and contact information of people that might be a good fit for the company as employees
B) A company encourages employees in non-HR and non-management positions to be involved in the hiring process.
C) A company asks applicants to contact current employees to learn more about the organization
D) A company asks employees who retired early to return to work in a part-time or non-permanent capacity
E) HR departments ask applicants to interview for other jobs in the organization, not just the one that they applied for.
QuestionID: 01-67
Objective: 1.2—Explain how HRM has changed over time to include a higher-level advisory role.
Answer: B) A company encourages employees in non-HR and non-management positions to be involved in the hiring process.
68. Explain four reasons why it is more complicated being an HR manager today than it was 50 years ago? (1 point per explanation)
QuestionID: 01-68
Objective: 1.2—Explain how HRM has changed over time to include a higher-level advisory role.
Answer: The answer should highlight the move from operational functions of HR to the strategic. The answer can address a series of internal and external environmental changes. Here are some examples from the book:
- Many employers are changing how they organize their HR functions (e.g., silos versus teams).
- Tasks such as formulating strategic plans and making data-based decisions require new competencies and skills.
- HR managers can't just be good at traditional personnel tasks such as hiring and training. HR must "speak the CFO's language" by defending HR plans in measurable terms (such as return on investment).
- To create strategic plans, the HR manager must understand strategic planning, marketing, production, and finance.
- As companies merge and expand abroad, HR must be able to formulate and implement large-scale organizational changes, drive employee engagement, and redesign organizational structures and/or work processes.
- Many HR professionals need to acquire more broad-based business knowledge and skill sets to be considered and respected as equal business partners by other executives in the company.
69. In recent years, most of the Fortune 500 companies have rejected the use of talent platforms like Upwork, TopTal, Amazon Mechanical Turk because these talent platforms focus on accessing low skilled permanent workers.
a True
b False
QuestionID: 01-69
Objective: 1.2—Explain how HRM has changed over time to include a higher-level advisory role.
Answer: b. False
70. Which of the following is the best example of allyship?
A) A young immigrant if frequently interrupted in an internal meeting, and rarely gets a chance to finish their thoughts, while others are interrupted much less. The meeting lead stops the person interrupting and asks them to let the young immigrant finish their thought.
B) Establishing a company policy whereby all employees are referred to using the pronoun "they" rather than the pronoun of their choice.
C) Unintentionally having fewer persons of colour in executive positions due to indirect biases in the development program.
D) Providing funding and time off of work for only marginalized groups to attend diversity, equity, and inclusion workshops.
E) Providing funding and time off of work for only members of historically privileged groups to attend diversity, equity, and inclusion workshops.
QuestionID: 01-70
Objective: 1.2—Explain how HRM has changed over time to include a higher-level advisory role.
Answer: A) A young immigrant if frequently interrupted in an internal meeting, and rarely gets a chance to finish their thoughts, while others are interrupted much less. The meeting lead stops the person interrupting and asks them to let the young immigrant finish their thought.
71. Other than the Certified Professional in HR (CPHR) or Certified HR Professional (CHRP) designations, there are very few additional international and national level designations to identify specialized areas of expertise in HR.
a True
b False
QuestionID: 01-71
Objective: 1.4—Describe professionalism and ethics in the HRM function.
Answer: b. False



