
Systems Analysis and Design 7th Edition by Alan Dennis test bank

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Business process improvement
Business process internalization
Business process reengineering
Business process renovation
Ans: a
Response: See Business Process Automation
Difficulty:  easy
Wayne is a senior director of finance.  His company only recently came under Sarbanes-Oxley regulations and is the project sponsor to become compliant.  He realizes that examining the as-is system may not be much help as the regulations are so radical that a major analysis and design project must be completed to make the company compliant. He is leaning towards: ______________
Business process automation
Business process improvement
Business process internalization
Business process reengineering
Business process renovation
Ans: d
Response: See Business Process Reengineering
Difficulty:  medium
Moderate changes to existing processes falls under the _________ analysis.
Business process automation (BPA)
Business process improvement (BPI) 
Business process reengineering (BPR)
Business process blue-skying (BPB)
Business process efficiency (BPE)

Ans: b
Response: See Business Process Improvement
Difficulty:  easy
Alice is calculating whether a system will lower costs or increase revenues.  What SDLC phase is she in?
Ans:  a
Response:  See The Systems Development Life Cycle
Difficulty:  medium
Which was NOT given as a method for determining business requirements?
Document analysis
Questionnaires and surveys
Ans:  a
Response:  See The Systems Development Life Cycle
Difficulty:  medium
Which would normally NOT be a reason for a project?
When a business need has been identified
A consultant has suggested a new customer relationship management system
An open source platform has just come on the market 
An existing system just isn’t working properly and the workaround is tedious
To support a new business initiative
Ans: c
Response:  See Project Identification and Initiation
Difficulty:  medium
Which phase is generally the longest and most expensive part of the development process?
Ans:  d
Response:  See Implementation
Difficulty:  easy
Because the cost can be immense, _________ is one of the most critical steps in implementation.
Developing a conversion strategy
Ans:  c
Response:  See Implementation
Difficulty:  medium
 PCM Incorporated will need to purchase new servers for a system.  This would be a:
Development cost
Operating cost
Ongoing cost
Intangible cost
Intangible benefit
Ans: a
Response:  See Feasibility Analysis
Difficulty:  easy
Linda is a clerk in the accounting department.  She was interviewed by David and is excited about the proposed system that will utilize electronic funds transfer.  This would be an example of ______.
Tangible benefit
Cash flow
Break-even analysis
Intangible benefit
Return on investment
Ans:  d
Response:  See Feasibility Analysis
Difficulty:  medium
Ramya is preparing an economic feasibility study.  She has a calculation where she takes total benefits minus total costs and divides that answer by the total costs.  She is calculating:
Cash flow
Return on investment
Break-even point
Net present value
Internal rate of return
Ans:  b
Response:  See Economic Feasibility
Difficulty:  medium
Ramona is preparing an economic feasibility study.  She is calculating the payback period.  She is calculating:
Cash flow
Return on investment
Break-even point
Net present value
Internal rate of return
Ans:  c
Response: See Economic Feasibility
Difficulty:  medium
Robert is doing an economic analysis using today’s dollar values.  He is doing:
Cash flow analysis
Return on investment analysis
Break-even point analysis
Net present value analysis
Internal rate of return analysis
Ans:  d



