
fundamentals of corporate finance 11th canadian edition By Stephen A. Ross Test bank

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2. Capital structure: This refers to the specific mixture of long-term debt and equity a firm uses to finance its operations.
3. Working capital management: This refers to a firm's short-term assets and short-term liabilities. Managing the firm's working capital is a day-to-day activity that ensures the firm has sufficient resources to continue its operations and avoid costly interruptions.
236) The importance of the corporate form of organization lies in its advantages: ease of transferring ownership, the owners' limited liability for business debts, and unlimited life of the business.
237) A significant advantage of the sole proprietorship is that it is cheap and easy to form. If the sole proprietor has limited capital to start with, it may not be desirable to spend part of that capital forming a corporation. Also, limited liability for business debts may not be a significant advantage if the proprietor has limited capital, most of which is tied up in the business anyway. Finally, for a typical small business, the heart and soul of the business is the person who founded it, so the life of the business may effectively be limited to the life of the founder during its early years.
238) The correct goal is to maximize the current value of the outstanding stock. This focuses correctly on enhancing the returns to shareholders, the owners of the firm. Other goals, such as maximizing earnings, focus too narrowly on accounting income and ignore the importance of market values in managerial finance.
239) Agency conflicts typically arise when there is a separation of ownership and management of a business. In a sole proprietorship and a small partnership, such separation is not likely to exist to the degree it does in a corporation. However, there is still potential for agency conflicts. For example, as employees are hired to represent the firm, there is once again a separation of ownership and management.
240) With unlimited liability, you would be very careful which stocks you invest in. In particular, you would not invest in companies you expected to be unable to satisfy their financial obligations. Both the primary and secondary markets for common stock would be severely hampered if this rule existed. It would be very difficult for a young, untested business to get enough capital to grow.
241) The current market price of IBM stock reflects, among other things, market opinion about the quality of firm management. If the shareholder's sale price is low, this indirectly reflects on the reputation of the managers, as well as potentially impacting their standing in the employment market. Alternatively, if the sale price is high, this indicates that the market believes current management is increasing firm value, and therefore doing a good job.
242) In the event of a loan default, a lender may wish to liquidate the business. Often it is time consuming and difficult to take title of all of the business assets individually. By taking control of the stock, the lender is able to sell the business simply by reselling the stock in the business. This illustrates once again the ease of transfer of ownership of a corporation.
243) Being listed on a regional exchange effectively limits the capital access for the business. Plus, there is a prestige factor in being listed on one of the national exchanges. There is still a prestige factor in moving from OTC to the TSX since the TSX has more restrictive membership requirements.
244) Financial managers must first determine which debt-equity mix is best for the firm. Secondly, financial managers must determine the least expensive sources of financing. These decisions will affect both the risk level and the value of the firm. These decisions are significant as they establish the long-term debt obligations of the firm. Should a firm assume too much debt, it could face bankruptcy if the future cash flows cannot support the debt load.
245) A firm issues securities in the financial markets and receives cash in exchange. This cash is used to purchase assets that in turn generate cash flows. These cash flows are used to reinvest in additional firm assets, pay taxes, pay dividends, cover debt payments, and pay interest to the holders of the firm's securities.
246) The goal of financial management is to increase the value of the existing owners' equity. Stock options are designed to reward managers when the value of the stock rises.
247) The organizations include a corporation and a limited partnership. Firms which require large sums of external financing will commonly choose the corporate form. Real estate ventures often involve limited partnerships.
