
Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections 2nd edition by Dean Appling Test bank

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A) Proteins

B) Nucleic acids

C) Lipids

D) Chlorophylls

Answer:  D

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.2


12) An amphipathic molecule provides the foundation for biological membranes because they have both ________ and ________ functional groups.

A) Exergonic, Endergonic

B) Hydrophobic, Hydrophilic

C) Enthalpic, Entropic

D) Organic, Inorganic

Answer:  B

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.2


13) Genomics is concerned with the entire ________.

A) Cell

B) Lipid network

C) Genome

D) Proteome

Answer:  C

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.5


14) Wohler showed that a chemical found only in living organisms can be made from inorganic substances when he synthesized ________.

A) Ammonium cyanate

B) Amino acids

C) Urea

D) Uric acid

Answer:  C

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.1


15) The lock-and-key theory described the action of ________.

A) Enzymes as keys that fit different chemicals

B) Substrates as keys that fit different enzymes

C) Enzymes as locks that fit other enzymes

D) Substrates as locks that fit different enzymes

Answer:  B

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.2

16) According to Crick's Central Dogma of molecular Biology, there can be NO transfer of information from ________.



C) RNA to protein

D) Protein to RNA

Answer:  D

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.2


17) Which linkage(s) occur extensively in nucleotides?

A) Amide

B) Ester

C) Phosphate ester

D) Ether

Answer:  C

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.2


18) Which functional group is shown?

A) Primary amine

B) Acyl

C) Amide

D) Anhydride

Answer:  C

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.2


19) Proteins in biological membranes ________.

A) May be porous

B) May not be attached to the membrane surface

C) May not span the membrane

D) May be integrally-bound only

Answer:  D

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.2


20) Sugars such as glucose are monomers of polysaccharides that are linked together when covalent bonds form between one ________ groups of one sugar to the same group on another sugar.

A) Ester

B) Carboxyl

C) Amino

D) Hydroxyl

Answer:  D



