
Biochemistry: Concepts and Connections 2nd edition by Dean Appling Test bank

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Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.2


21) Which statement about cellulose is FALSE?

A) It is the most abundant polysaccharide in nature.

B) Its monomers are joined by glycosidic bonds.

C) It is present in the stems of flowering plants.

D) It is a branched polymer of glucose.

Answer:  D

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.2


22) The essential attributes of all living things include all EXCEPT ________.

A) Program

B) Improvisation

C) Compartmentalization

D) Emotion

Answer:  D

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.3


23) Prokaryotes are valuable tools for biochemists because ________.

A) E. coli is well-studied and typical of prokaryotes

B) They contain as many genes as eukaryotic cells

C) Many of their chromosomes are sequenced

D) They are not very diverse organisms

Answer:  C

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.4


24) Which cellular component carries out oxidation reactions, some of which produce hydrogen peroxide?

A) Peroxisomes

B) Mitochondria

C) Chloroplasts

D) Lysosomes

Answer:  A

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.4

25) Which cellular component carries the secretion and transport of biosynthesized proteins?

A) Nucleus

B) Mitochondria

C) Golgi complex

D) Lysosomes

Answer:  C

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.4


26) The theory which demonstrated that metabolic processes were chemical in nature in absence of cells is known as ________.

A) Spontaneous production

B) Aerobic production

C) Fermentation

D) Biogenesis

Answer:  C

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.1


27) ________ has permitted rapid advances in our understanding of structural macromolecules from living cells.

A) Biogenesis

B) Biokinetics

C) Biothermodynamics

D) Bioinformatics

Answer:  D

Bloom's Level:  3-4: Applying/Analyzing

Learning Outcome:  1.5


28) The role of DNA as the ________ material was confirmed by transforming Streptococci in experiments performed several years after the famous Watson and Crick description of DNA structure.

A) Heredity

B) Genetic

C) Linkage

D) Primary

Answer:  B

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.1



Full download link: https://gethighmark.com/test-bank-for-biochemistry-concepts-and-connections-2nd-edition-by-dean-appling.shtml



29) ________ is generally in reference to how the flow of information is transferred from nucleic acid to protein.

A) Central Dogma

B) Central Concept

C) Central Idea

D) Central Genome

Answer:  A

Bloom's Level:  1-2: Remembering/Understanding

Learning Outcome:  1.1
