
Personality Psychology 2nd Canadian Edition by Randy J. Larsen Test bank

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Chapter 01
Introduction to Personality Psychology

Multiple Choice Questions
1. Features of personality that differentiate one person from another usually take the form of _____ in language. 
A. differential pronouns
B. trait-descriptive adjectives
C. action-descriptive verbs
D. trait-differentiating adverbs

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Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined

2. If I describe Juan as "possessive" or Anita as "friendly," I am employing the use of 
A. trait-descriptive adjectives.
B. inner psychological states.
C. strategies to attain goals.
D. inner qualities of personality.

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Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined

3. How many trait-descriptive adjectives are there in the English language? 
A. More than 500
B. More than 1,800
C. More than 5,000
D. Nearly 20,000

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Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined

4. Psychologists have found it difficult to define personality because 
A. psychologists are not smart enough to determine the boundaries of human personality.
B. personality has a common sense definition that psychologists find hard to falsify.
C. the idea of studying human personality is a rather new concept in psychology.
D. any definition of personality needs to be sufficiently comprehensive to include a multitude of concepts.

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Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined

5. Research on personality traits asks all of these questions EXCEPT 
A. how many fundamental personality traits are there.
B. how personality traits are organized.
C. where personality traits come from.
D. which cues cause behaviour in a situation.

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Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined

6. Philippe walks the same path every day at the same time. To state that he will most likely take the same route at the same time next Wednesday is using the _____ nature of personality traits. 
A. descriptive
B. explanatory
C. predictive
D. individualistic

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined
Topic: 01-02 Personality Is the Set of Psychological Traits

7. Mike makes several social errors at a party. He calls the host by the wrong name, spills his red wine on the carpet, and insults the guest of honour. We label Mike's behaviour as "socially unskilled." This labelling of Mike's behaviour utilizes the _____ research approach to personality traits. 
A. explanatory
B. descriptive
C. intuitive
D. presumptive

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined
Topic: 01-02 Personality Is the Set of Psychological Traits
8. Traits define the __________ tendencies of an individual person. 
A. central
B. average
C. overt
D. outlying

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Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined
Topic: 01-02 Personality Is the Set of Psychological Traits
9. A talkative person will 
A. always talk more than a quiet person.
B. never shut up.
C. talk more than a quiet person in theaters.
D. talk more, on average, than a quiet person.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined
Topic: 01-02 Personality Is the Set of Psychological Traits

10. To say that someone will tend to display a trait with regularity is to say that the person has a(n) 
A. average tendency.
B. obsessive-compulsive disorder.
C. adaptation.
D. social-cognitive approach.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined
Topic: 01-02 Personality Is the Set of Psychological Traits
11. Which of the following questions does research on personality traits NOT emphasize? 
A. How many fundamental traits are there?
