
Personality Psychology 2nd Canadian Edition by Randy J. Larsen Test bank

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A. Sublimation
B. Selection
C. Suggestion
D. Sophistication

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined
Topic: 01-07 The Individual's Interactions with
23. To say that a trait is adaptive means that the trait 
A. is the result of sexual selection.
B. easily changes as necessary.
C. serves a useful function.
D. indicates psychopathology.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined
Topic: 01-08 And Adaptations to
24. At the psychological level, the physical environment may lead to the development of 
A. shivering mechanisms when people are cold.
B. hunger pangs to motivate people to seek food.
C. friction mechanisms to prevent calluses in skin.
D. fear mechanisms to help us avoid environmental threats.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined
Topic: 01-09 The Environment

25. In the social environment, our "effective environment" represents the/a 
A. strongest environmental cues that are found in any given environment.
B. environmental cues that are directly related to survival in the immediate environment.
C. set of cues emitted by other people in the environment.
D. subset of environmental features people attend to based on their psychological mechanisms.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined
Topic: 01-09 The Environment

26. The intrapsychic environment is 
A. not as objectively verifiable as the social or physical environment.
B. often easy to verify through the analysis of dreams.
C. relatively consistent across social, but not physical, environments.
D. based on how others in the environment react to a person.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-01 Personality Defined
Topic: 01-09 The Environment

27. The human nature level of personality analysis addresses how every human is 
A. like all others.
B. like some others.
C. like no others.
D. somewhat like other mammals.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-10 Three Levels of Personality Analysis
Topic: 01-11 Human Nature

28. The group differences level of personality analysis addresses how every human is 
A. like all others.
B. like some others.
C. like no others.
D. somewhat like other mammals.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-10 Three Levels of Personality Analysis
Topic: 01-12 Individual and Group Differences

29. The individual uniqueness level of personality analysis addresses how every human is 
A. like all others.
B. like some others.
C. like no others.
D. somewhat like other mammals.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-10 Three Levels of Personality Analysis
Topic: 01-13 Individual Uniqueness

30. The ability to learn spoken language is an example of the 
A. human nature level of analysis.
B. individual and group differences level of analysis.
C. individual uniqueness level of analysis.
D. social psychological level of analysis.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-10 Three Levels of Personality Analysis
Topic: 01-11 Human Nature

31. Studying how people vary in levels of anxiety, self-esteem, or worry represents a(n) _____ approach to studying personality psychology. 
A. individual differences
B. human nature
C. ideographic
D. environmental

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
Topic: 01-10 Three Levels of Personality Analysis
Topic: 01-12 Individual and Group Differences

32. Which of the following is an example of "idiographic research"? 
A. Comparing men and women on emotionality.
B. Developing a questionnaire that measures sociability.
C. Writing a case study of Albert Einstein's personality.
D. Conducting a field study of helping behaviours.

Accessibility: Keyboard Navigation
