
Leadership: Theory and Practice 8th edition by Peter G. Northouse Test bank

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Cognitive Domain: Application
Answer Location: Leadership and Management
Difficulty Level: Difficult
AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking
4. Using the definition of leadership as stated in the text--“Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal”--create an example where a leader uses and demonstrates each component effectively. Clearly explain and show how each component is present in your example. Use examples from the text to support your claims.
Ans: The following should be clearly identified and supported: Process–leadership discussed as an interaction between leader and followers, as well as emphasis on its availability to everyone. Influence–-a specific mention of how said influence is applied within the example. Groups–the context of the example should in some way take place within a group or organizational setting. Common goals–the goals of both the leader and the follower should be mentioned and discussed as they relate to the other aspects of the definition.
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Leadership Defined
Difficulty Level: Difficult
AACSB Standard: Analytical thinking
5. Are leaders born or made? Defend your answer with specific topics and research in the text that supports your answer.
Ans: Answers will vary. Students who answer “born” should use the trait definition of leadership and identify traits such as intelligence and height and dominance. Answers could include information from Chapter 2 about the intuitive appeal of being able to identify a leader by his or her traits, which makes followers want to follow. Students who answer “made” should discuss the influence and interactive nature of the definition of leadership. They could include that leaders develop over time as they interact with followers and learn how to interact with others as they gain experience. They might include information from Chapter 3 in their answers as well.
Cognitive Domain: Analysis
Answer Location: Leadership Defined
Difficulty Level: Moderate
AACSB Standard: Written communication



