
Concepts of Genetics 12th Edition by William Klug Test bank

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MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.
1) In the 1600s, William Harvey studied reproduction and development. What is the term given to the theory that
states that an organism develops from the fertilized egg by a succession of developmental events that lead to an
A) preformation
B) transduction
C) epigenesis
D) equational transformation
E) sequential pattern formation
Answer: C
2) What is the term given to the theory that states that the fertilized egg contains a complete miniature adult?
A) transduction
B) preformation
C) transformation
D) cell theory
E) conjugation
Answer: B
3) What is the term given to the theory that put forth the idea that living organisms could arise by incubating
nonliving components?
A) evolution
B) spontaneous generation
C) natural selection
D) collective combination
E) preformation
Answer: B
4) What is a homunculus?
A) the intermediate stage of the DNA after CRISPR- Cas treatment
B) during development sometimes a growing individual's cell can become mutated and one part of the child
has different characteristics than the other
C) a large cyst or growth on a plant due to viral infection
D) when the mitochondrion grows in size before splitting into two via fission
E) a sperm or egg containing a miniature adult, perfect in size and proportion
Answer: E
5) Who, along with Alfred Wallace, formulated the theory of natural selection?
A) James Watson
B) Louis Pasteur
C) Charles Darwin
D) Gregor Mendel
E) William Harvey
Answer: C
6) Who was the Augustinian monk that conducted a decade of experiments on the garden pea, eventually showing
that traits are passed from parents to offspring in predictable ways?
A) Francis Crick
B) Gregor Mendel
C) Hippocrates
D) Aristotle
E) Alfred Wallace
Answer: B
7) In many species, there are two representatives of each chromosome. In such species, the characteristic number
of chromosomes is called the ________ number. It is usually symbolized as ________.
A) haploid; n
B) monoploid; n
C) diploid; n
D) haploid; 2n
E) diploid; 2n
Answer: E
8) Genetics is the study of ________.
A) replication and recombination
B) transcription and translation
C) mutation and recession
D) diploid and haploid
E) inheritance and variation
Answer: E
9) Early in the twentieth century, Walter Sutton and Theodor Boveri noted that the behavior of chromosomes
during meiosis is identical to the behavior of genes during gamete formation. They proposed that genes are
carried on chromosomes, which led to the basis of the ________.
A) First Law of Thermodynamics
B) Chromosome Theory of Inheritance
C) Law of Segregation
D) Chromosomal Maintenance Theory
E) Law of Independent Assortment
Answer: B
10) What is a mutation?
A) a change in DNA that leads to death
B) an inherited change in DNA sequences that is the source of all genetic variation
C) an inherited changed in DNA sequence that is always bad for an organism
D) an inherited change in a DNA sequence
E) the source of all genetic variation
Answer: B
11) Which of the following is TRUE about alleles?
A) Individuals carry both forms of each allele.
B) Alleles come in two forms, the good form and the bad form.
C) The phenotype of the individual will always indicate with certainty the alleles of the individual.
D) An allele is a variant form of a gene.
E) An individual will only carry one version of an allele.
Answer: D
12) Until the mid- 1940s, many scientists considered proteins to be the likely candidates for the genetic material.
Which of the following characteristics led scientist to believe DNA was NOT the genetic material?
A) DNA has less variation than protein.
B) Protein can fold into may shapes.
C) DNA is less abundant than protein and DNA has less variation than protein.
D) DNA is less abundant than protein.
E) DNA is more stable than protein.
Answer: C
13) Name the individual who, while working with the garden pea in the mid- 1850s, demonstrated quantitative
patterns of heredity and developed a theory involving the behavior of hereditary factors.
A) George Wallace
B) Barbara McClintock
C) Walter Sutton
D) Theodor Boveri
E) Gregor Mendel
Answer: E
14) Which of the following is the subdiscipline of biology concerned with the study of heredity and variation at the
molecular, cellular, developmental, organismal, and populational levels?
A) cytogenetics
B) genetics
C) molecular biology
