
Environment 10th Edition by David M. Hassenzahl test bank

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56. Why would consumption overpopulation lead to what Hardin (1968) refers to as a “tragedy of the commons”?
Difficulty: Easy
Bloomcode: Comprehension
Learning Objective 1:  LO 1.3 Define sustainability and sustainable development.  TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2: LO 1.3.2 Relate Garrett Hardin’s description of the tragedy of the commons in medieval Europe to common-pool resources today.  ENABLING LO
Section Reference 1: 1.3 Sustainability
Solution: In the tragedy of the commons, Hardin contends our inability to solve many environmental problems is the result of a struggle between short-term individual welfare and long-term environmental sustainability and societal welfare. In medieval Europe, shared pastureland was termed “the commons” and each individual could bring animals onto the commons to graze. The more animals an individual brought, the greater his individual gains. However if each individual maximized the commons, overgrazing caused the entire village to suffer. Likewise consumption overpopulation results from consumption-oriented lifestyles when each individual in a population consumes too large a share of resources. Highly developed countries represent only 20% of the world’s population, yet they consume significantly more than half of its resources causing the entire global village to suffer. The effect of consumption overpopulation and the tragedy of the commons is the same – degradation of the environment. In both cases the challenges of sustainability managing resources is key. Overgrazing and resource exploitation may benefit only a few, however everyone must pay the environmental cost of the short-term individual gains.
57. Outline how the scientific method is applied in order to solve environmental problems. Use a real-life example and correct terminology in your explanation.
Difficulty: Medium
Bloomcode: Application
Learning Objective 1: LO 1.4 Describe environmental science and the role of the scientific method.  TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2: LO 1.4.2 Outline the scientific method. ENABLING LO
Section Reference 1: 1.4 Environmental Science
Solution: The scientific method is the way a scientist approaches a problem, by formulating a hypothesis, and then testing it by means of an experiment in order to draw a conclusion about the problem. The first step is to recognize a question or unexplained occurrence in the natural world. Then an educated guess is made to predict a solution to the problem. A set of variables are identified and manipulated experimentally to collect data about the question. The data are then analyzed and interpreted so that a conclusion can be reached. The hypothesis is supported, rejected or modified and the results are shared with other scientists. Examples of this procedure will vary.
58. What is the relationship between variables and the control group in a well-designed scientific experiment?
Difficulty: Easy
Bloomcode: Comprehension
Learning Objective 1: LO 1.4 Describe environmental science and the role of the scientific method.  TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2: LO 1.4.2 Outline the scientific method. ENABLING LO
Section Reference 1: 1.4 Environmental Science
Solution: Each factor that influences a process is a variable. To test a hypothesis about a variable in a scientific experiment, we conduct two forms of the experiment in parallel. In the experimental group we alter the chosen variable in a known way (the independent variable). In the control group we do not alter that independent variable. In all other respects the two groups are the same and all other variables are held constant. The dependent variable is the measure of any changes in the independent variable as the experiment is run. We then compare the results (measurements) of the control group to the experimental group. These measurements compare an experiment in which a particular variable was manipulated and the identical experiment where this variable was not manipulated. The differences in results can then be attributed to that single independent variable.
59. Identify two types of human environmental impact that may be created locally, but that have global consequences. Briefly explain the global consequences of each event and discuss what actions would be needed to address each issue. Use the framework of the tragedy of the commons in developing your answer.
Difficulty: Medium
Bloomcode: Application
Learning Objective 1:  LO 1.3 Define sustainability and sustainable development.  TERMINAL LO
Learning Objective 2: LO 1.3.2 Relate Garrett Hardin’s description of the tragedy of the commons in medieval Europe to common-pool resources today.  ENABLING LO



