
Behavior Modification: Principles and Procedures 6th Edition by Raymond G. Miltenberger Test bank

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 a. ​mental illness
 b. ​clinical psychology
 c. ​community psychology
 d. ​developmental disabilities
38. ​In what area(s) can behavior modification procedures be used?
 a. ​education
 b. ​rehabilitation
 c. business and industry​
 d. ​all of these
39. In which area do individuals use behavior modification procedures on their own behaviors?​
 a. ​mental illness
 b. ​developmental disabilities
 c. ​gerontology
 d. ​self-management
40. ​Behavior modification:
 a. ​has a limited number of applications
 b. ​has a broad number of applications
 c. ​is mostly used with children
 d. ​is rarely used these days
41. Behavior is defined as _________________________________________________________.​
ANSWER:  what people say and do​
42. Frequency, duration, intensity, and latency are called _________________________ of behavior.​
ANSWER:  dimensions​
43. Behavior has an impact on the ________________________ and/or __________________________environment.​
ANSWER:  social, physical; physical, social​
44. A(n) _______________________ behavior can be observed and recorded by another individual.​
ANSWER:  overt​
45. A(n) ________________________ behavior, also called a private event, is not observable to others.​
ANSWER:  covert​
46. Behavior modification is the field of psychology concerned with the ____________________________ and _____________________________ of human behavior.​
ANSWER:  analysis, modification; modification, analysis​
47. A behavioral excess is defined as _______________________________________________.​
ANSWER:  too much of a particular behavior​
48. A behavioral deficit is defined as _______________________________________________.​
ANSWER:  too little of a particular behavior​
49. Another term for behavior modifications is _______________________________.​
ANSWER:  applied behavior analysis​
50. (Theorists) ______________ first described the conditioned reflex. ______________ demonstrated the law of effect. ______________ conducted research on basic principles of operant behavior that laid the foundation for behavior modification.​
ANSWER:  Pavlov; Thorndike; Skinner​
Subjective Short Answer
51. Identify five areas of application of behavior modification.​
ANSWER:  Areas of application of behavior modification are developmental disabilities, education, community psychology, business, industry and human services, self-management, prevention, health-related behaviors, mental illness, rehabilitation, clinical psychology, child-management, sports psychology, and gerontology.​
52. ​What are four dimensions of behavior that can be observed?
ANSWER:  Four dimensions of behavior that can be observed are frequency, duration, intensity, and latency.​
53. What does it mean to say that behavior is lawful?​
ANSWER:  To say that behavior is lawful is to say that its occurrence is systematically influenced by environmental events.​
54. What is the difference between overt and covert behavior?​
ANSWER:  An overt behavior is an action of an individual that can be observed and recorded by an individual other than the one engaging in the behavior. Covert behaviors are not observable to others.​
55. Why does behavior modification focus on changing current environmental variables rather than past events to change behavior?​
ANSWER:  Although information of past events is useful, knowledge of current controlling variables will be most useful for developing effective behavior modification interventions because you can only change events in the current environment as part of a behavior modification intervention.​



