
Global Business Today: Asia-Pacific Perspective 5th edition by Charles W. L. Hill Test bank

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Topic: What Is Globalisation?
21. Significant differences in cultures, politics and economies between countries can sometimes
make it necessary for multinationals to:
A. standardise their product offerings, and then adapt to local conditions.
B. adapt their product offerings, and then standardise to local conditions.
C. outsource manufacturing to key suppliers.
D. open large warehouses under franchise agreements.
Ans: A
Blooms: Comprehension
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1.5 Compare how the management of international business differs from the management of domestic
Topic: Managing in the Global Marketplace: What’s the Difference?
22. One of the key considerations for Indian-based global conglomerate the Tata Group in
bringing to market the Nano was:
A. free delivery to customers who repeat-purchase.
Hill (2019), Global Business Today 5e, McGraw-Hill Education (Australia)
Chapter 01 Testbank
B. subsidised customer parking.
C. low incomes in India that are rapidly rising.
D. car designs for small-space living in high-rise apartments.
Ans: C
Blooms: Comprehension
Difficulty: Hard
Learning Objective: 1.1 Explain the process and drivers of globalisation and the opportunities and challenges it creates for business.
Topic: What Is Globalisation?
23. An international treaty that committed signatories to lowering barriers to the free flow of
goods across national borders is called:
A. the International Agreement on Trade.
B. the Global Expansion Agreement.
C. the Warsaw Pact.
D. the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Ans: D
Blooms: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1.1 Explain the process and drivers of globalisation and the opportunities and challenges it creates for business.
Topic: The Emergence of Global Institutions
24. The most global of markets is in:
A. services.
B. consumer goods.
C. industrial goods and materials.
D. intellectual capital.
Ans: C
Blooms: Knowledge
Difficulty: Easy
Learning Objective: 1.1 Explain the process and drivers of globalisation and the opportunities and challenges it creates for business.
Topic: What Is Globalisation?
25. The term ‘offshoring’:
A. is synonymous with the term ‘outsourcing’.
B. means that tasks previously performed in one country are undertaken abroad.
C. means shoring up intellectual capital.
D. means that tasks previously performed in-house are now purchased from another country.
Ans: B
Blooms: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1.1 Explain the process and drivers of globalisation and the opportunities and challenges it creates for business.
Topic: Introduction
26. Globalisation of production allows companies to ______________ so that they may
Hill (2019), Global Business Today 5e, McGraw-Hill Education (Australia)
Chapter 01 Testbank
A. diversify their products; innovate in their home market’s homogeneity
B. leverage their capital investments; complexify their customer base
C. lower their production costs; compete more effectively
D. isolate production risks; minimise market disruptions
Ans: C
Blooms: Comprehension
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1.1 Explain the process and drivers of globalisation and the opportunities and challenges it creates for business.
Topic: What Is Globalisation?
27. Although outsourcing has primarily been confined to ___________, companies are
increasingly taking advantage of outsourcing for ______________.
A. services; manufacturing
B. manufacturing; services
C. mining; manufacturing
D. manufacturing; mining
Ans: B
Blooms: Comprehension
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1.1 Explain the process and drivers of globalisation and the opportunities and challenges it creates for business.
Topic: What Is Globalisation?
28. _______ is seen as the lender of last resort to nation-states whose economies are in economic
turmoil and whose currencies are losing value against those of other nations.
A. The International Monetary Fund
B. The International Bank
C. The United Nations
D. The United States
Ans: A
Blooms: Knowledge
Difficulty: Medium
Learning Objective: 1.1 Explain the process and drivers of globalisation and the opportunities and challenges it creates for business.
Topic: The Emergence of Global Institutions
29. With membership of 193 countries, the _________ was established to preserve peace through
international cooperation and collective security.
A. World Monetary Fund
B. International Monetary Fund
C. International Bank
D. United Nations



