
Business Law in Canada 12th Canadian Edition by Richard A. Yates Test bank

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need to seek legal advice from another lawyer.
Diff: 3 Type: ES Page Ref: 11
Topic: Ch. 1 - How to Complain About Your Lawyer
Skill: Applied
Objective: Chapter 1: 7. Outline the procedure to follow to complain about your lawyer.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
127) Do business people make good ethical choices? Explain, providing examples.
Answer: Here students should recognize that while many businesspeople do conduct
themselves in an ethical manner, not all businesspeople make good ethical choices. There is no
general code of professional conduct for businesspeople, and there have been many high-profile
cases of businesspeople engaging in questionable activities.
Diff: 3 Type: ES Page Ref: 14
Topic: Ch. 1 - Ethics of Clients
Skill: Applied
Objective: Chapter 1: 8. Discuss the ethics of lawyers and clients.
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge



