
International Management: Culture, Strategy, and Behavior 11th Edition by Fred Luthans Test bank

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Multiple Choice Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
globalization for
countries, industries,
firms, and
 

Award: 10.00 points
The _____ is a free-trade agreement among the United States, Canada, and Mexico that has
removed most barriers to trade and investment.
The United States, Canada, and Mexico make up the North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), which in essence has removed all barriers to trade among these countries and created a
huge North American market.
Multiple Choice Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
globalization for
countries, industries,
firms, and

 
Award: 10.00 points
Identify a true statement about the Development Round in which the members of the World Trade
Organization (WTO) met and launched a round of negotiations at Doha, Qatar in November 2011.
The WTO members agreed upon the opening of government procurement markets to
companies in the developed nations.
There was a lack of consensus among WTO members regarding agricultural subsidies.
There was a lack of consensus among WTO members regarding unbalanced population
The WTO members agreed upon the issues of competition.
During the Development Round in which the members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) met,
in November 2011, and successfully launched a new round of negotiations at Doha, Qatar, there was
a lack of consensus among WTO members regarding agricultural subsidies and the issues of
competition and government procurement.
Multiple Choice Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
globalization for
countries, industries,
firms, and

 

Award: 10.00 points
The United States, Canada, and Mexico make up the _____, which in essence has removed all
barriers to trade among these countries and created a huge North American market.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
North American Common Market
North American Free Trade Agreement
North American Trade Union
The United States, Canada, and Mexico make up the North American Free Trade Agreement
(NAFTA), which in essence has removed all barriers to trade among these countries and created a
huge North American market.
Multiple Choice Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
globalization for
countries, industries,
firms, and

 

Award: 10.00 points
Agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA:
not only reduce barriers to trade but also require additional domestic legal and business
reforms in developing nations to protect property rights.
do not include supplemental commitments like the FTAA does on labor and the
environment to encourage countries to upgrade their working conditions and
environmental protections.
rely exclusively on MNCs exporting or setting up operations locally rather than buying out
a domestic firm.
provide firms with enough security so they cannot go out of business, which simply
encourages a lack of efficiency or incentive to monitor costs.
Agreements like NAFTA and CAFTA not only reduce barriers to trade but also require additional
domestic legal and business reforms in developing nations to protect property rights.
Multiple Choice Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
globalization for
countries, industries,
firms, and
 

Award: 10.00 points
In the context of the changing global demographics, identify a change that will be seen in
developed nations.
Developed Asian nations will be able to easily replace the retiring, aging population.
In Japan, the number of nonworkers will be nearly equal to that of workers by 2050.
In South Korea, the immigration policy will ease by 2050.
In Germany, there will be a removal of restrictions on agricultural products, auto parts, and
energy goods.
Demographic changes are projected to occur globally, and the most dramatic impact will be seen in
the developed nations. In Japan, the number of nonworkers will be nearly equal to that of workers
by 2050. Both Japan and South Korea will face a loss of over 25 percent of their working-class
Multiple Choice Learning Objective:
01-01 ASSESS the
implications of
globalization for
countries, industries,



